“Trust” quotes

Movie Trust
Title Trust
Year 1990
Director Hal Hartley
Genre Comedy, Drama
Plot – Maria is 17 and claims to her family she's pregnant. Suddenly her father slaps her and the girl does the same to him, then the old man dies due to a heart attack. Maria's mother cannot do anything to help her husband and gets Maria out of the house. Moreover Maria is uncertain who's the father of her child.
All actors – Adrienne Shelly, Martin Donovan, Rebecca Nelson, John MacKay, Edie Falco, Gary Sauer, Matt Malloy, Suzanne Costollos, Jeff Howard, Karen Sillas, Tom Thon, Hannah Sullivan
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  • “- Matthew: I respect and admire you.
    - Maria: Is that love?
    - Matthew: No, that's respect and admiration.”

    Martin Donovan - Matthew Slaughter
    Adrienne Shelly - Maria Coughlin
  • “- Matthew: Why do you put up with me like this?
    - Maria: Someone had to.
    - Matthew: But why you?
    - Maria: I just happened to be here.”

    Martin Donovan - Matthew Slaughter
    Adrienne Shelly - Maria Coughlin
  • “- Maria: Your job is making you boring and mean.
    - Matthew: My job is making me a respectable member of society.”

    Adrienne Shelly - Maria Coughlin
    Martin Donovan - Matthew Slaughter
    [Tag:boredom, job, respect]
  • “- Maria: He's dangerous but sincere.
    - Nurse Paine: Sincerely dangerous.
    - Maria: No, he's dangerous because he's sincere.”

    Adrienne Shelly - Maria Coughlin
    Karen Sillas - Nurse Paine
    [Tag:danger, sincerity]
  • “- Jean: I don't think she knows much about how to make love to a man.
    - Matthew: She must know something, she's pregnant.
    - Jean: That's what I mean. A girl who knows how to make love to a man would never let that happen.”

    Rebecca Nelson - Jean Coughlin
    Martin Donovan - Matthew Slaughter
  • “I go over it in my head, and now I know what it was he was seeing. It's really simple. He's seeing my legs. He 's seeing my breasts. My ass. My mouth. He's seeing my cunt... How can I have been so stupid? That's really all there is to see, isn't it?”
    Adrienne Shelly - Maria Coughlin
  • “A family's like a gun. You point it in the wrong direction and you're going to kill somebody.”
    Martin Donovan - Matthew Slaughter
    [Tag:danger, family]
  • “- Maria: Can you stop watching TV for a minute?
    - Matthew: No.
    - Maria: Why?
    - Matthew: Because I had a bad day at work. I had to subvert my principles and kow-tow to an idiot. Television makes these daily sacrifices possible. Deadens the inner core of my being.”

    Adrienne Shelly - Maria Coughlin
    Martin Donovan - Matthew Slaughter
  • “I'm looking at this guy, right? And I looked at him a lot before. So now I know that I have this little piece of him actually in me. Physically in me, and it makes me feel completely different, I don't know, sort of special or something. So I'm talking to him... I'm talking to him and I realize that he doesn't even see me.”
    Adrienne Shelly - Maria Coughlin
  • “- Matthew: I don't have relationships.
    - Peg: So you just love 'em and leave 'em?
    - Matthew: I don't love anybody.
    - Peg: So what, you just have a girl?
    - Matthew: I take what I can get. Now, if you're thru talkin', you wanna go out back and fuck?”

    Martin Donovan - Matthew Slaughter
    Edie Falco - Peg Coughlin
  • “I am ashamed. I am ashamed of being young I am ashamed of being stupid.”
    Adrienne Shelly - Maria Coughlin
  • “- Maria: Do you miss your kids?
    - Peg: Sure.
    - Maria: Do you hate your husband?
    - Peg: Absolutely.
    - Maria: Would you ever get married again?
    - Peg: Of course.”

    Adrienne Shelly - Maria Coughlin
    Edie Falco - Peg Coughlin