“Tuff Turf” quotes
(1985)“Tuff Turf” Quotes 8 quotes
“if I ever catch you near Frankie again, I'll take you out so fast, you won't even have time to spit.”
- Stuart Hiller: Go easy on him tonight, Page. This means a lot to him.
- Page Hiller: So did that girl he brought home for Easter last year. Remember? She was so stoned, all she could do was look at the peas and say, "wow, they're so green!".“How many bullets are left in this gun, Nick? Enough for Morgan? For my father? For everybody else who doesn't fit in your turf?”
“At first I gagged. But, after awhile it's really easy. I mean you guys swallow, don't you?”
“- Page Hiller: Your bike is in pieces and you tell me nothing happened? Did you at least find out if they have any insurance?
- Morgan Hiller: Insurance? This isn't Connecticut; no one has insurance around here!”