“Twin Sitters” quotes

Movie Twin Sitters
Title Twin Sitters
Year 1994
Director John Paragon
Genre Comedy, Thriller
Plot – Peter and David Falcone are twins and work as waiters in a seedy Italian restaurant, but they dream to open their own business. When they become unemployed, they accept an apparently nice proposal: they have to take care of two little twins, the grandsons of a wealthy businessman. The babies are in fact very difficult and risk to be kidnapped.
All actors – Peter Paul, David Paul, Christian Cousins, Joseph Cousins, Rena Sofer, Jared Martin, Barry Dennen, Mother Love, George Lazenby, Valentina Vargas, Vic Trevino, David Wells
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  • - Peter Falcone: What's your name?
    - Thomas: My name is Thomas Sedgewick...
    - Peter Falcone: Okay! "To: Thomas. May all your ups and downs be in bed! Peter Falcone".

    Peter Paul - Peter Falcone
    Barry Dennen - Thomas
    [Tag:sex, wishes]
  • “- Ma Falcone: Your necks are bigger than your heads.
    - David Falcone: That's only because there are no muscles in our heads to exercise.
    - Ma Falcone: What about your brain?
    - Peter Falcone: The brain is not a muscle; it's an organ!
    - David Falcone: And it's a good thing, too. Otherwise, our heads would be so huge, we would fall over!”

    Jacque Lynn Colton - Ma Falcone
    David Paul - David Falcone
    Peter Paul - Peter Falcone
    [Tag:appearance, body]
  • “- Peter Falcone: It's a rip, man. It's a total rip.
    - David Falcone: I know. How's the little guy ever supposed to get ahead? They won't give you a loan unless ya already got the money. It's totally scatalogical.”

    Peter Paul - Peter Falcone
    David Paul - David Falcone
  • “- Bradley: Butt-sniffers! They're not gonna get away with it!
    - Steven: Forget it, man. They're too big! We can't win.”

    Christian Cousins - Bradley
    Joseph Cousins - Steven
    [Tag:enemy, losing, winning]