“U-571” quotes
Jonathan Mostow
directed this movie
in 2000
Title U-571
Year 2000
Director Jonathan Mostow
Genre Drama, Thriller, War, Action
Year 2000
Director Jonathan Mostow
Genre Drama, Thriller, War, Action
Plot – April 1942: Hitler sends his U-Boote to harry the United States. Unbeknownst to the American population, along the east coast of the country the allied fleet is suffering heavy losses. Unable to decode the enemy's radio codes, the US Navy attempts to resist the furious German attacks. Set during World War II, U-571 is the romanticized account of a daring mission to steal a top secret coding device located inside a German submarine. The story is inspired by a series of complex events that occurred during the Battle of the Atlantic.
All actors – Matthew McConaughey, Bill Paxton, Harvey Keitel, Jon Bon Jovi, David Keith, Thomas Kretschmann, Jake Weber, Jack Noseworthy, Tom Guiry, Will Estes, Terrence 'T.C.' Carson, Erik Palladino, Dave Power, Derk Cheetwood, Matthew Settle, Rebecca Tilney, Carolyna De Laurentiis, Dina De Laurentiis, Burnell Tucker, Rob Allyn, Carsten Voigt, Gunter Würger, Oliver Stokowski, Arnd Klawitter, Kai Maurer, Robert Lahoda, Peter Stark, Erich Redman, William John Evans, Robin Askwith, Jasper Wood, Martin Glade, Oliver Osthus, John William Falconer, Cory Glen Mathews, Valentina Ardeatini, Norman Campbell Rees
show all“U-571” Quotes 13 quotes
“- Lt. Commander Mike Dahlgren: I just don't think you're ready.
- Lieutenant Andrew Tyler: What do you mean I'm not ready? Sir, I have worked my tail off on the S-33. I'm qualified in every area and then some. What executive officer has higher marks then I do, Captain?
- Lt. Commander Mike Dahlgren: Andy! You're just not ready to take on a...” (continue)(continue reading)“I'm not questioning your bravery. The question is: what about their lives? You and Mr. Emmett are good friends. You went to the Academy together. Would you be willing to sacrifice his life? Or what about some of the younger enlisted men? I know a lot of those guys look up to you like a big brother. You willing to lay their lives on the line?”
“You hesitate. But as a captain, you can't. You have to act. If you don't, you put the entire crew at risk. Now that's the job. It's not a science. You have to be able to make hard decisions based on imperfect information. Asking men to carry out orders that may result in their deaths. And if you're wrong, you suffer the consequences. If you're...” (continue)(continue reading)
“- Ens. Keith Larson, Chief Torpedoman: A typewriter?
- Lt. Hirsch: An Enigma code machine. It allows the German navy to communicate with it's submarines in secret, and our inability to decipher their messages is costing us this war.”“- Lieutenant Andrew Tyler: Rabbit, I need you to load Mazzola's body into tube three and put an escape jacket on him to make sure he floats.
- Seaman Ronald 'Rabbit' Parker, Torpedoman: Wanna shoot him out like garbage?
- Lieutenant Andrew Tyler: His body is gonna save our lives.
- Seaman Ronald 'Rabbit' Parker, Torpedoman: I'll say a few words...” (continue)(continue reading)“If you can't take out that destroyer, the danger is not that some of us may die. It's that some of us may live. These men have seen and heard things that must not be revealed to the enemy - our secrets, such as our radar capabilities, and our understanding of German encryption.”
“You're the skipper now. And the skipper always knows what to do whether he does or not.”
“- Eddie: Do you plan on going up against a destroyer with only one fish in the tube and busted motor?
- Lieutenant Andrew Tyler: Yes, I am, Eddie.
- Lt. Hirsch: How wise is that, Lieutenant?
- Lieutenant Andrew Tyler: Not very.”