“Untraceable” quotes
(2008)All actors – Diane Lane, Billy Burke, Colin Hanks, Joseph Cross, Mary Beth Hurt, Peter Lewis, Tyrone Giordano, Perla Haney-Jardine, Tim De Zarn, Christopher Cousins, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Trina Adams, Brynn Baron, John Breen, Dan Callahan, Erin Carufel, Ryan Deal, Marilyn Deutsch, Gray Eubank, Pete Ferryman, David Freitas, West A. Helfrich, Zack Hoffman, Sarah Brillhart, Diana Brillhart, Ryan Hopkins, Len Huynh, Jim Hyde, Dax Jordan, Daniel Liu, Kimberly Maus, Kirk Mouser, Betty Moyer, Katie O'Grady, Jamal N. Qutub, Mike Smith, Kerry Tomlinson, David Wilson, Gabby Brooks, Kevin Dahlgren, Mona Jiveh, Jeff Mills, Todd A. Robinson, Alan Winston
show all“Untraceable” Quotes 4 quotes
“- Jennifer Marsh: You forming a task force?
- Detective Eric Box: Not yet.
- Jennifer Marsh: Not yet? How much more do you need?
- Richard Brooks: What we have so far is one dead cat and a man who may or may not be in danger.
- Jennifer Marsh: That's today. You think this is it? It's just the beginning!”“- Griffin Dowd: What's he into?
- Jennifer Marsh: High-end tech and low-end porn.
- Griffin Dowd: You sure he's a guy? If it's a woman, she could be my soulmate.”“You know if no one was watching right now, you'd just be sitting in water. But the whole world wants to watch you die, and they don't even know you.”