“White Squall” quotes
(1996)Sir Ridley Scott
directed this movie
in 1996
Title White Squall
Year 1996
Director Ridley Scott
Genre Adventure, Drama
Year 1996
Director Ridley Scott
Genre Adventure, Drama
Plot – In 1960, thirteen students of the sailing school “Ocean Academy” have to go through the most difficult part of the course. The guys spend one entire year in the sea with the enigmatic skipper Christopher Sheldon. The challenge is tough and turns into tragedy when, during a storm, the ship sinks, causing the death of 4 students and 2 crew members. The survivors have to deal with a delicate problem: was the shipwreck caused by the captain incompetence? A true trial begins among the group.
All actors – Jeff Bridges, Caroline Goodall, John Savage, Scott Wolf, Jeremy Sisto, Ryan Phillippe, David Lascher, Eric Michael Cole, Jason Marsden, David Selby, Julio Oscar Mechoso, Zeljko Ivanek
show all“White Squall” Quotes 7 quotes
“You can't run from the wind. You trim your sails, face the music, and keep going.”
“If we don't have order, we have nothing. Where we go one, we go all.”
“You told us where we go one we go all. Well, we believed you. We lived by it, Sir. And now you're saying where you go we can't follow.”
- Captain Christopher "Skipper" Sheldon: You know what's out there? Wind and rain, and some damn big waves, reefs and rocks, sandbars, and enough fog and night to hide it all.
- Dean Preston: So why the hell do it?
- Captain Christopher "Skipper" Sheldon: It builds character Mr. Preston of which you are in desperately short supply.“I'd love to go into the subject of vertigo and everything, but I wouldn't want you to go and piss your pants.”
“Nothing happens on this ship that I don't know about. She speaks to me in the night. So don't test me, not even a little.”