“Wolf Creek” quotes
Title Wolf Creek
Year 2005
Director Greg McLean
Genre Horror
Year 2005
Director Greg McLean
Genre Horror
Plot – Liz and Kristy travel to Australia with their friend Ben, who is in love with Liz. They stop at Wolf Creek National Park, but after the visit their car doesn't work.
All actors – John Jarratt, Cassandra Magrath, Kestie Morassi, Nathan Phillips, Gordon Poole, Guy O'Donnell, Phil Stevenson, Geoff Revell, Andy McPhee, Aaron Sterns, Michael Moody, Andrew Reimer, Vicki Reimer, Isabella Reimer, David Rock, Jenny Starvall, Guy Petersen, Paul Curran, Christian McMillan, Sean Gannon, Aaron J. March, Eddie White, Geoffrey Yu, Amy Schapel, Teresa Palmer, Bow Vayne, Renee Chomel, Simone Duntone, John Henry Duncan, Chloe Gardner, Greg Sara, Renee Luna, Michael Soang, Niesha de Jong, Leesa Millhouse, Alex De Rosa, Darren Humphreys, Peter Alchin, Rory Walker, Jon Blaikie, Greg Mclean
show all“Wolf Creek” Quotes 3 quotes
“You must love the freedom. You know, hangin' out in nature and shit.”
“- Ben Mitchell: What do you do now?
- Mick Taylor: I could tell you. But then I'd have to kill you.”“I'm going to do something now they used to do in Vietnam. It's called making a head on a stick.”