“X-Men” quotes
Bryan Singer
directed this movie
in 2000
Title X-Men
Year 2000
Director Bryan Singer
Genre Sci-Fi, Adventure, Action
Year 2000
Director Bryan Singer
Genre Sci-Fi, Adventure, Action
Plot – Cyclops, Storm and Jean Grey are the sons of the atom, the missing link in the evolutionary chain. They all have a special power due to a genetic mutation: Cyclops emits an energy ray from the eyes able to dig a hole in the mountains. Jean has a telepathic and telekinetic strength. Storm can change the weather. Despite the X-men have to face those who don’t accept their differences, thanks to Professor Charles Xavier they learned how to use their powers to help humanity. Their next battle is against Magneto, a professor’s old friend and colleague who believes that humans and mutants can’t live together. According to him, mutants are the inheritors of the future.
All actors – Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Famke Janssen, James Marsden, Halle Berry, Anna Paquin, Tyler Mane, Ray Park, Rebecca Romijn, Bruce Davison, Matthew Sharp, Brett Morris, Rhona Shekter, Kenneth McGregor, Shawn Roberts, Donna Goodhand, John Nelles, George Buza, Darren McGuire, Carson Manning, Scott Leva, Aron Tager, Kevin Rushton, Doug Lennox, David Nichols, Malcolm Nefsky, Sumela Kay, Shawn Ashmore, Katrina Florece, Alex Burton, Quinn Wright, Daniel Magder, Matt Weinberg, Madison Lanc, Stan Lee, Marsha Graham, Amy Leland, Adam Robitel, David Brown, Ben Jensen, Tom DeSanto, Todd Dulmage, Dan Duran, Elias Zarou, David Black, Robert R. Snow, David Hayter, Cecil Phillips, Dave Allen Clark, Deryck Blake, Ilke Hincer, Ron Sham, Jay Yoo, Grigori Miakouchkine, Eleonore Comes, Giuseppe Gallaccio, Rupinder Brar, Abi Ganem, Joey Purpura, Manuel Verge, Wolfgang Müller, Ralph Zuljan, Andy Grote, , Eric Bryson, Ben Champniss, Cheryl De Luca, Wesley Finucan, Kyler Fisher, Marc Gagne, Matthew Galliford, Gary Goddard, Matt Granger, Cyprian Lerch, Donald Mackinnon, Brian Peck, Jimmy Star, Daniel Vivian, Quentin Wright
show all“X-Men” Quotes 29 quotes
“- Rogue: It's nothing personal. It's just that, when people touch my skin, something happens.
- Logan: What?
- Rogue: I don't know, they just get hurt.”“- Logan: Everybody get out of here!
- Storm: Why?
- Logan: I can't move.”“- Wolverine: So read my mind.
- Jean Grey: I'd rather not.
- Wolverine: C'mon. You afraid you might like it?
- Jean Grey: I doubt it.”“Are you a God-fearing man? That is such a strange phrase. I've always thought of God as a teacher; a bringer of light, wisdom, and understanding. You see, I think what you really fear is me. Me and my kind.”
“Mankind has always feared what it doesn't understand.”
“- Rogue: The first boy I ever kissed ended up in a coma for three weeks. I can still feel him inside my head. It's the same with you.
- Wolverine: There's not many people that'll understand what you're going through. But I think this guy, Xavier, is one of them. He seems to genuinely want to help you. And that's a rare thing, for people like us.”“- Wolverine: Hey! It's me.
- Cyclops: Prove it!
- Wolverine: You're a dick.
- Cyclops: Okay.”“Still unwilling to make sacrifices. That's what makes you weak.”
“- Wolverine: There is a war coming. Are you sure you're on the right side?
- Storm: At least I've chosen a side.”“Mutation: it is the key to our evolution. It has enabled us to evolve from a single-celled organism into the dominant species on the planet. This process is slow, and normally taking thousands and thousands of years. But every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward.”
“- Professor Charles Xavier: Where are you going?
- Wolverine: To find her.
- Storm: How?
- Wolverine: The traditional way!”“- Rogue: Niagra Falls... up the Canadian Rockies, and then... it's only a few hundred miles to Anchorage.
- Rogue's Boyfriend: Won't it be kinda cold?
- Rogue: That's the point, stupid, otherwise it wouldn't be an adventure!”“- Logan: There's someone here.
- Cyclops: Where?
- Logan: I don't know. Keep your eye open.”“- Rogue: When they come out... does it hurt?
- Wolverine: Every time.”“- Magneto: America was going to be the land of tolerance. Peace.
- Rogue: Are you going to kill me?
- Magneto: Yes.
- Rogue: Why?
- Magneto: Because there is no land of tolerance. There is no peace. Not here, or anywhere else.”“- Magneto: Does it ever wake you in the middle of the night? The feeling that one day they will pass that foolish law or one just like it, and come for you? And your children?
- Professor Charles Xavier: It does, indeed.
- Magneto: What do you do, when you wake up to that?
- Professor Charles Xavier: I feel a great swell of pity for the poor...” (continue)(continue reading)“- Wolverine: You going to tell me to stay away from your girl?
- Cyclops: If I had to do that, she wouldn't be my girl.”“- Wolverine: You actually go outside in these things?
- Cyclops: Well, what would you prefer, yellow spandex?”