“You Can't Cheat an Honest Man” quotes
All actors – W.C. Fields, Edgar Bergen, Charlie McCarthy, Eddie 'Rochester' Anderson, Mortimer Snerd, Constance Moore, John Arledge, James Bush, Thurston Hall, Mary Forbes, Edward Brophy, Arthur Hohl
show all“You Can't Cheat an Honest Man” Quotes 3 quotes
“- The Great Edgar: For my next experiment, I will saw the little maharaja in half.
- Charlie: I'm a victim of sawcumstances.”“- The Great Edgar: I've got a good mind to...
- Charlie: Why don't you use it?”“- Mr. Bel-Goodie: You're a fraud, a charlatan and a rogue, sir!
- Larson E. Whipsnade: Oh, is that in my favor?”