“Anne Frank: The Whole Story” quotes

TV Series Anne Frank: The Whole Story
Title Anne Frank: The Whole Story
Year 2001
Genre Drama, War, Biography
Interpreted by
All actors – Ben Kingsley, Hannah Taylor Gordon, Tatjana Blacher, Brenda Blethyn, Jean-Luc Julien, Jessica Manley, Lili Taylor
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  • “- Peter van Pels: I like it when you smile. It makes your eyes... sparkle. Pretty eyes.
    - Anne Frank: Oh no. I'm not pretty.
    - Peter van Pels: Well, you'll just have to believe me then.”

    Nicholas Audsley - Peter van Pels
    Hannah Taylor Gordon - Anne Frank
    [Tag:beauty, eyes, smile]
  • “I can't stand to hear that man talk! Half the time I don't even know what he's saying. 'This is not the end; it is possibly the beginning of the end, and it is certainly the end of the beginning': do you know what that means? If you ask me, the British should spend more time bombing Germany and less time drinking tea!”

    Brenda Blethyn - Auguste Rottgen-van Pels
    [Tag:england, germany, war]
  • “- Margot Frank: Do you remember how - how I was always taking care of you when you were little?
    - Anne Frank: Well, it's my turn to take care of you now.”

    Jessica Manley - Margot Frank
    Hannah Taylor Gordon - Anne Frank
  • “- Anne Frank: I hate them. The Germans. I wish they were dead. They won't stop until they've killed all the Jews!
    - Otto Frank: Don't say that. There are good people and there are bad people, it doesn't matter where they come from. Miep and Mr. Klieman are Austrian, just like Hitler. Do you want them to die as well?
    - Anne Frank: No.”

    Hannah Taylor Gordon - Anne Frank
    Ben Kingsley - Otto Frank
  • “Beware of marriage: in my experience, its merits are greatly overrated.”
    Joachim Król - Hermann van Pels
  • “- Margot Frank: You mustn't do that.
    - Anne Frank: I can't help it, I like watching people. I make up stories for them; imagining what their lives are like, what ours would be like, if...”

    Jessica Manley - Margot Frank
    Hannah Taylor Gordon - Anne Frank
  • “Good people and bad people have one thing in common. They both make mistakes. Only, good people can admit their mistakes and learn from them.”
    Ben Kingsley - Otto Frank
  • “I want to be a champion skater, and a writer. I want my picture in all the magazines. Maybe I'll be a movie star. I want to be different from all the other girls. I want to be a modern woman, I want to travel. I want to study languages - languages and history. I want to to everything.”
    Hannah Taylor Gordon - Anne Frank
    [Tag:future, wishes]
  • “- Anne Frank: Do you remember how you told me once, how you were ashamed of being Jewish?
    - Peter van Pels: The chosen people. Chosen for what? This?
    - Anne Frank: We've suffered before and it's only made us stronger. One day people will look up to us.
    - Peter van Pels: If there are any of us left.”

    Hannah Taylor Gordon - Anne Frank
    Nicholas Audsley - Peter van Pels
    [Tag:genocide, jews, sorrow]
  • “- Hermann van Pels: The Jew traitors here are worse than the Nazis, saving their own skins.
    - Otto Frank: In their place you'd do something different?”

    Joachim Król - Hermann van Pels
    Ben Kingsley - Otto Frank
    [Tag:jews, nazism, treason]
  • “- Otto Frank: Don't forget: we are German.
    - Anne Frank: No, we're Dutch. Aren't we Margot?
    - Margot Frank: Of course we are.
    - Anne Frank: I don't want to be German. Not ever.”

    Ben Kingsley - Otto Frank
    Hannah Taylor Gordon - Anne Frank
    Jessica Manley - Margot Frank
  • “- Auguste Rottgen-van Pels: Every day there were trains. Because of the Russians is what I've heard. Only sixty miles away. They're emptying all the Polish camps.
    - Anne Frank: We don't believe in rumors anymore.”

    Brenda Blethyn - Auguste Rottgen-van Pels
    Hannah Taylor Gordon - Anne Frank