Blindness quotes
88 blindness quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines- From the movie: Revenge of the Nerds
- Sergeant: I do not know what this world is coming to. See that man over there. We arrested him for mopery.
- "Booger": What's mopery?
- Sergeant: Mopery is exposing yourself to a blind person. - From the movie: Quest for Camelot
“- Kayley: Why won't you look at me when I'm talking to you?... Oh. Oh, I didn't realize you were...
- Garrett: What? Tall? Rugged? Handsome?
- Kayley: Blind.
- Garrett: ...You know, I always forget that one.” - From the movie: The Matrix
“The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.”
“Just because you are blind, and unable to see my beauty doesn't mean it does not exist.”
- From the movie: Young Guns
“- Charles 'Charley' Bowdre: Hey, Chavez, how come they ain't killing us?
- Dirty Steve Stephens: Because we're in the spirit world, asshole. They can't see us.” - From the movie: The Return of the Pink Panther
- From the movie: Harlem Nights
“You shut the fuck up, Bennie. I would tell you to kiss my ass too, but you probably can't find it you blind motherfucker.”
- From the TV Series: Supernatural
“You know who wears sunglasses inside? Blind people. And douchebags.”
- From the movie: Daredevil
“I had lost my sight, but I got something back in return. My remaining four senses functioned with superhuman sharpness. But most amazing of all, my sense of sound gave off a kind of radar sense!”
- From the movie: Ray
“- Marlene: Ray, what did I tell you about cooking in the dark? Are you trying to burn the house down?
- Ray Charles: Think about it, Marlene, what do I need the light for?
- Marlene: Well, you don't need to be cooking anyway. We brought you take out from Oscar's.
- Ray Charles: Well, get your money back. I got fried chicken right here.” - From the movie: Proof
“- Andy: You may be blind, but you still have to pay for what you ate.
- Martin: I ate nothing. My meal never arrived.” - From the movie: Yours, Mine and Ours
- From the movie: Get Out
“Please don't lump me in with that, you know, I could give a shit what color you are. No, what I want is deeper. I want your eye, man. I want those things you see through.”
- From the movie: The Village
“- August Nicholson: If this place is worthy, she'll be successful in her quest.
- Mrs. Clack: How could you have sent her. She is blind.
- Edward Walker: She is more capable than most in this village. And she is led by love.” - From the movie: Absolutely Anything
“- Fenella: You are not blind.
- Neil: I prefer the term 'optically challenged'.” - From the movie: Jackie
Jesus once passed a blind beggar on the road, and his disciples asked: "Who sinned, this man or his parents, that he should be born blind?". And Jesus said: "Neither this man nor his parents sinned. He was made blind so that the works of God could be revealed in him". And with that, he placed mud on his eyes and told him to wash in the Pool of... (continue)(continue reading)
- From the movie: It Couldn't Happen Here
“- Priest: I'm just tired... I've been up all night trying to round off the infinate. And Lucifer before the day doth go.
- Chris Lowe: Don't we know you?
- Priest: I don't know. I used to be blind. But then I started eating carrots. I still can't see during the day.” - From the movie: Stardust Memories
- From the movie: At First Sight
“Great. I'm blind and you're deaf. What a perfect pair.”
- From the movie: The Tall Guy
“- Mr. Morrow: Do you want my advice on questions of love?
- Dexter King: Yes!
- Mr. Morrow: My advice is: go blind. Best thing that ever happened to me. Since 1944, every girl I've spent time with looks the spitting image of Mae West.” - From the movie: The Fault In Our Stars
- From the movie: Deconstructing Harry
“- The Devil: You ever fuck a blind girl?
- Harry Block: No. That I never did.
- The Devil: Oh, they're so grateful.” - From the movie: If You Could See What I Hear
“- Will Sly: Time to think about getting a new guide dog. I'm off tomorrow.
- Tom Sullivan: It's tomorrow already? Jesus, what happened? We were...
- Will Sly: They should make calendars in Braille. They really should.” - From the movie: Dancer in the Dark
- From the movie: See No Evil, Hear No Evil