Commanding quotes
167 commanding quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines- From the movie: The Bounty
“Take no prisoners Mr. Christian!”
- From the movie: The Long Good Friday
“Don't you ever tell me what I can or can't do! Bent law can be tolerated for as long as they're lubricating, but you have become definitely parched. If I was you, I'd run for cover and close the hatch, because you're gonna wind up on one of those meat hooks, my son.”
- From the movie: Day of the Dead
“Your orders are to facilitate the job of this scientific team! This is a civilian team, and we don't have to be subjected to your tyranny.”
- From the movie: First Blood
“- Deputy Lester: What do you want me to do, Will?
- Teasle: I want you to do what I told you to do, Goddammit!” - From the movie: The Bounty
- From the movie: Buffalo '66
“Put your hands on the dashboard like that. Hold em like that. Don't let me see you move them one finger, not one finger move, not one twitch of a move or I'll come back and choke you to death. I swear to God. I'll take a bite out of your cheek and I'll shit you out.”
- From the movie: Lethal Weapon 2
“You are not dead until I tell you! Got that Riggs?”
- From the movie: Black Hawk Down
“- Steele: Tell me, Pilla. You understand why we have a chain of command, don't you?
- Pilla: Roger that, sir.
- Steele: 'Cause if I ever see you undermining me again, you'll be cleaning latrines with your tongue 'til you can't taste the difference between shit and french fries. Are we clear?” - From the movie: Fletch Lives
“- Calculus Entropy: Should I be doing anything?
- Irwin 'Fletch' Fletcher: No, not really, um... as soon as you get that trunk upstairs and have finished your nap I guess you could fix that step and jump down, turn around and pick a bale of cotton. And while I'm gone see to it Miss Scarlet stays away from the union army will you?” - From the movie: Something Wild
“- Charlie Driggs: If you don't turn around and take me back, you're gonna make me do something that I don't wanna do.
- Audrey 'Lulu' Hankel: I can hardly wait, Charlie.” - From the movie: The Bounty
“- Lieutenant William Bligh: Filth, sir! Filthy, Mr. Christian! Still filthy! Look!
- Fletcher Christian Master's Mate: I see nothing, sir, but your finger.
- Lieutenant William Bligh: I'll not have your vile ways brought aboard my ship, sir! Do you understand? Now you'll call up the swabbing party yet again! And this time you will make bloody...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: 8 Heads in a Duffel Bag
“- Tommy Spinelli: I thought I told that little son of a bitch to stay put!
- Fern: So who are you? God? Why the hell should he listen to you?” - From the animation: Recess: School's Out
- From the movie: The Siege of Firebase Gloria
“Six-one-two, this is six. Thirty-second pass over the canopy. Let's burn Charlie's ass. Gunners on your left, you'll notice targets of opportunity. Please fire at will, and thank you for flying Moran Airlines.”
- From the movie: Six-String Samurai
- From the movie: The Rock
“- General Francis X. Hummel: Major Anderson, if you have any concern for the lives of your men, you will order them to safety their weapons and place them on the deck.
- Ernest Paxton: This is not happening...
- Commander Anderson: Sir, we know why you're out here. God knows, I agree with you. But like you, I swore to defend this country against...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: The Cell
“My world, my rules.”
- From the movie: Ghost Dad
- From the movie: Aladdin
- From the movie: Alien
- From the movie: Flightplan
“You know, people will think what I tell them to think. That's how authority works.”
- From the movie: The Pistol: The Birth of a Legend
“- Coach Pendleton: Walker how old are you?
- Walker: 18.
- Coach Pendleton: You wanna live to be 19?
- Walker: Yeah.
- Coach Pendleton: Then do what I tell you.” - From the movie: The Abyss
“- Lt. Coffey: Let's get something straight. You people are under my authority.
- Catfish De Vries: Look, partner, we don't work for you. We don't take orders from you. And we don't much like you.” - From the movie: Apt Pupil
“To have someone in your control. To have them know that they are alive only because you have not decided to the contrary. Do you have that power? Ask yourself. It's not an easy question, I think you know that.”
- From the movie: Joan of Arc