Escape quotes
272 escape quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines- From the movie: Communion
“I can't get out of this!”
- From the movie: The Blue Lagoon
- From the movie: The Informer
“You're all I got! You're the only one. You know that. But what chance do we have to escape? Money! Some people have all the luck!”
- From the movie: The Fugitive
- From the movie: Death of a Salesman
- From the movie: Tigerland
“- Bozz: If I told you there was a bunch of people around here who could get us to Mexico, away from the war, would you go?
- Paxton: No... no I wouldn't. I enlisted, so there is a place for me... and if I don't go, somebody is gonna take that place. And if they die, they're dying for me.” - From the animation: Chicken Run
“- Rocky: Wait a minute. Let me get this straight. You wanna get every chicken in this place out of here at the same time?
- Ginger: Of course.
- Rocky: You're certifiable! You can't pull off a stunt like that; that's suicide.
- Ginger: Where there's a will, there's a way.
- Rocky: Couldn't agree more. And I will be leaving that way.” - From the movie: Single White Female
“- Hedra Carlson: Okay. Come on. The police will be here soon.
- Allison Jones: But... But you shouldn't run. It'll only make it worse. I know you weren't yourself when you did this, Hedy.
- Hedra Carlson: I know. I was you. Who is this Hedy, anyway? No one's seen her. She's not on the lease. There's not even a fingerprint of hers here. I've been...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: The Day After
“There is a rumor they are evacuating Moscow. Yeah. There are even people leaving Kansas City because of the missile fields. Now I ask you: Where does one go from Kansas City? To, uh, the Yukon? To Tahiti? We are not talking about Hiroshima anymore. Hiroshima was... was peanuts!”
- From the animation: The Lord of the Rings
- From the movie: Zero Effect
“A person can't escape their nature.”
- From the movie: Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie
- From the movie: Billion Dollar Brain
- From the movie: Extreme Prejudice
- From the movie: Without A Paddle
“- Dan Mott: What are you doing?
- Jerry Conlaine: Taking off my shoes.
- Dan Mott: Why?
- Jerry Conlaine: Because I run faster with no shoes.
- Dan Mott: You can't out-run that bear!
- Jerry Conlaine: I don’t have to out-run the bear, I just have to out-run you!” - From the movie: Ernest Saves Christmas
- From the movie: The Faculty
- From the movie: Orange County
- From the movie: Kiss the Girls
“- Dr. Alex Cross: Gone in the night.
- Dr. Kate McTiernan: At least now the FBI know who they're looking for. How far can he run?
- Dr. Alex Cross: It's not a question of how far. It's how long.” - From the movie: The Hotel New Hampshire
- From the movie: The Mighty Quinn
“He knows the cops are after him, and the man is bang into the fourth dimension.”
- From the movie: Midnight Express
“You seem like a nice guy, Billy. I really do feel sorry for you. But if you still try anything or try to run away again, I'll blow your fucking brains out!”
- From the movie: Gang Related
“They'll never find me, because I'm following my heart. And they don't know where that is.”
- From the movie: Reign of Fire
“- Denton Van Zan: Ever see a male?
- Quinn Abercromby: When I'm running for my life I generally don't look back at the plumbing.” - From the movie: Nosferatu
“Go quickly, travel safely, my young friend, to the land of ghosts.”