Failure quotes
291 failure quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines“If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative.”
- La trovi in Motivational Quotes
“How one handles success or failure is determined by their early childhood.”
“I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.”
- From the movie: Avengers: Endgame
“You could not live with your own failure, and where did that bring you? Back to me.”
- La trovi in Motivational Quotes
- La trovi in Motivational Quotes
“You just have to be willing to take the 'failures' and learn from them, make the best of them.”
“I'd rather be a failure at something I love than a success at something I hate.”
“You always pass failure on the way to success.”
- From the movie: The Addams Family
- From the movie: Bohemian Rhapsody
- La trovi in Career in Cinema
- La trovi in Motivational Quotes
“Someone else's success is not your failure.”
- From the movie: Little Miss Sunshine
“A real loser is someone who's so afraid of not winning he doesn't even try.”
- La trovi in Motivational Quotes
“Success is a public affair. Failure is a private funeral.”
- La trovi in Motivational Quotes
“Failure is not the falling down but the staying down.”
- La trovi in Motivational Quotes
- From the movie: Background to Danger
“We Nazis do not relish failure.”
- From the movie: Amélie
“Failure teaches us that life is but a draft, a long rehearsal for a show that will never play.”
“I don't believe in failure. It is not failure if you enjoyed the process.”
- From the movie: Best of the Best
“Coach. Hey Frank! You want me to beg? Okay, I'll beg. This is the only thing I know I am good at! Don't take that away from me!”
- From the movie: Batman: The Dark Knight
“- Two-Face: The joker chose me!
- Batman: Because you were the best of us. He wanted to prove that even someone as good as you could fall.
- Two-Face: And he was right.” - From the movie: Rad
“Hollywood Mike Miranda makes his second dramatic exit of the day.”
- From the movie: Gattaca
“Is the only way you can succeed is to see me fail?”
- From the movie: The Black Hole
“- Dr. Hans Reinhardt: It's about time that people learned about their failures and my successes.
- Dr. Alex Durant: You should come back with us and enjoy the glory of that success.
- Dr. Hans Reinhardt: I don't want to go back and I don't enjoy successes any more.” - From the movie: Sneakers
“- Cosmo: Posit: people think a bank might be financially shaky.
- Bishop: Consequence: people start to withdraw their money.
- Cosmo: Result: pretty soon it is financially shaky.
- Bishop: Conclusion: you can make banks fail.
- Cosmo: Bzzt. I've already done that. Maybe you've heard about a few? Think bigger.”