Journalism quotes
127 journalism quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines- From the movie: Truth
“You do not get to do this, they do not get to smack us just for asking questions!”
- From the movie: The Post
“- Roger Clark: If the government wins and we're convicted, the Washington Post as we know it will cease to exist.
- Ben Bradlee: Well, if we live in a world where the government could tell us what we can and cannot print, then the Washington Post as we know it has already ceased to exist.” - From the movie: Spider-Man
- From the movie: Kill The Messenger
“I thought my job was to tell the public the truth - the facts, pretty or not - and let the publishing of those facts make a difference in how people look at things. At themselves, at what they stand for. That's shame on me. This is the only thing I ever wanted to do. And for a while, a long while, it was an honor.”
- From the movie: The Paper
“You wanna cover Brooklyn, then cover Brooklyn! But let me tell you something, you can't cover Brooklyn from a barstool in Manhattan.”
- From the movie: Straight Outta Compton
- From the movie: Shattered Glass
“Now he's at The New Republic Magazine, see what happens when greatness is demanded from you?”
- From the movie: Truth
“- Mike Smith: Hey, I never got to ask you. Why did you get into journalism?
- Dan Rather: Curiosity.
- Mike Smith: That's it?
- Dan Rather: That's everything. Why did you get into?
- Mike Smith: You.” - From the movie: The Deer Hunter
- From the movie: Truth
“- Mary Mapes: How you're doing, Dan?
- Dan Rather: I'm stepping down as anchor.
- Mary Mapes: When?
- Dan Rather: After inauguration.” - From the movie: Broadcast News
- From the movie: American Hustle
“- Cosmo Interview Girl: Our cover story right now is about cunnilingus. What do you think about that?
- Sydney Prosser: I like it.” - From the movie: Spotlight
“- Marty Baron: Whether Mr Garabedian is a 'crank' or not, he says he has documents that prove that Cardinal knew.
- Ben Bradlee Jr.: As I understand that those documents are under seal.
- Marty Baron: Okay, but the fact remains a Boston priest abused 80 kids, we have a lawyer who says he can prove Law knew about it and we've written all of......” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Closer
“- Alice: What's your work?
- Dan: I'm sort of... journalist.
- Alice: What sort?
- Dan: I write obituaries.” - From the movie: The Year of Living Dangerously
“- Pete Curtis: That's bullshit!
- Wally O'Sullivan: The worrying thing is, it's well-written bullshit, and it's right here in my paper... I must confess, Hamilton, that I probably would have infused it with a little more skepticism, but bitter resentment won't prevent me from admitting it was a good piece. Well done.” - From the movie: Spotlight
“We need to focus on the institution, not the individual priests. Practice and policy; show me the church manipulated the system so that these guys wouldn't have to face charges, show me they put those same priests back into parishes time and time again. Show me this was systemic, that it came from the top, down.”
- From the movie: True Crime
- From the movie: Shattered Glass
“I record what people do and I find what moves them, what scares them and I write that down. That way they're the ones telling the story and you know what? Those kinds of pieces can win Pulitzer's too.”
- From the movie: Nightcrawler
“- Lou Bloom: I'm promoting you to executive Vice President of video news.
- Rick: What am I now?
- Lou Bloom: You're an assistant.” - From the movie: Broadcast News
- From the movie: Dead Rising: Watchtower
“We want the drama, we've got to get the needles.”
- From the movie: How to Lose Friends & Alienate People
Look at that. All night long, people have been treating us like royalty. In London, the journalist's motto is, "Everybody hates us, and we don't care".
- From the movie: The People vs. Larry Flynt
- From the movie: The Paper
“- Marion Sandusky: You made my wife cry when she reads the paper.
- Michael McDougal: At least she bought it, didn't she?”