Killing quotes
2164 killing quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines- From the movie: Rogue One
“- K-2SO: [after Jyn Erso shoots an identical droid] Did you know that wasn't me?
- Jyn Erso: [obviously lying] Yeah. Of course.” - From the movie: EXistenZ
“- Ted Pikul: He wanted to kill you. That's two people in one day who wanted to actually kill you.
- Allegra Geller: I've never been more popular.” - From the movie: It
“- Mike Hanlon: Bill!
- Beverly Marsh: Let him go!
- Pennywise: No! I'll take him! I'll take all of you! I'll feast on your flesh as I feed on your fear... Or... you'll just leave us be... I will take him. Only him, and I will have my long rest and you will all live to grow and thrive and lead *happy* lives, until old age takes you back to the...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Jigsaw
“Which one of you assholes shot him in the chest?”
- From the movie: Wolfen
“- Dewey Wilson: They kill...
- Old Indian: The sick. The abandoned. Those who will not be missed.
- Dewey Wilson: More than that.
- Old Indian: They kill to survive. They kill to protect.” - From the movie: Rings
“- Holt: I keep... thinking about this story. There's this video that... kills you. Seven days after you watch it. The second it's over... the phone rings. And this voice says...
- Samara: [voiceover] Seven days.” - From the movie: Undercover Brother
Let me tell you something about the word "good," brotha. Good is an ancient anglo-saxon word, go-od, meanin the absence of color. I.e. it's all good, which it is, or "Good Will Huntin", meanin, "I'm Huntin' Niggas!". So when you say "good morning", what you are telling me is "I'm gonna kill yo black ass, first thing in the mornin'!".
- From the movie: Misconduct
- Ben: I didn't kill Emily.
- Abrams: Any good lawyer will tell you "Doesn't matter". - From the movie: Suicide Squad
- From the movie: The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
“Tonight, for once, I want the truth! Did you kill my father?”
- From the movie: The Last Witch Hunter
- From the movie: Snatch
- From the movie: Sinister 2
“If you tell anyone, we'll kill you first, and then your whole family, and we'll watch the film over and over and over.”
- From the movie: Universal Soldier
“- Woodward: Colonel Perry. We killed an innocent man.
- Colonel Perry: What do you suggest we do, Woodward? Let that reporter run off with one of our UniSols?
- Woodward: We can't just cover this up. We have a moral obligation to tell the truth about this.” - From the movie: Masked and Anonymous
“All of us in some way are trying to kill time. When it's all said and done, time ends up killing us.”
- From the movie: Hostiles
“I've killed everything that's walked or crawled. If you do it enough, you get used to it.”
- From the movie: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the seventy-sixth Hunger Games.”
- From the movie: Pixels
“Don't tell anybody I killed a Smurf.”
- From the movie: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2
“I'm not wasteful. I take life for specific reasons.”
- From the movie: The Nice Guys
“- Tally: Weapons on the floor!
- Holland March: This is not you. You're not a murderer!
- Jackson Healy: She just killed three people.
- Holland March: I know, but I'm saying, deep down.” - From the movie: Mobsters
“- Arnold Rothstein: Mr. Luciano, you're walking down the street. Suddenly you realize you're being followed. It's a hit. Walking towards you is a second gunman. You have time to fire at only one of them. Which one do...
- Charlie 'Lucky' Luciano: I don't accept the question. To live, I gotta kill 'em both.” - From the movie: Sling Blade
“You ought not killed my little brother, he should've had a chance to grow up. He would had fun some time.”
- From the movie: Killer Elite
“- Agent: Mercenaries, hit men, heroes. You're all part of that two percent of men who are natural killers. That's why you'll never get out. You can't run away from who you are, Danny.
- Danny: That's not who I am, that's what I've done. And I can do something else.” - From the movie: Half Baked
- I'm Only Creative When I Smoke Smoker: Would you like to hear some of my poetry?
- Thurgood Jenkins: Not really, no.
- I'm Only Creative When I Smoke Smoker: You really should. "I have killed. I have helped kill. I have killed part of myself. I cannot change this. I... I must seek Buddha. I must seek Christ".
- Thurgood Jenkins: You must seek... (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Regression
“They'll kill me.”