Leader quotes
141 leader quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines- From the movie: Bohemian Rhapsody
- From the movie: The Postman
“You're no general. You're not even a good painter.”
- From the movie: The Lost Battalion
“- Lt. Leak: Captain, uh... there must be some mistake. I'm supposed to be in a Texas unit. Most of these boys are from New York and I just don't understand a word these city fellers are sayin'.
- Capt. George McMurtry: You don't have to understand them Lieutenant, they have to understand you.” - From the movie: Invictus
“You elected me your leader. Let me lead you now.”
- From the movie: Whale Rider
“- Paikea: Why doesn't he want me?
- Porourangi: He's just looking for something that doesn't exist anymore.” - From the movie: Superman Returns
“They can be a great people, Kal-El, they wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way. For this reason above all, their capacity for good, I have sent them you... my only son.”
- From the movie: Casablanca
- From the movie: Remember the Titans
“This is no democracy. It is a dictatorship. I am the law.”
- From the movie: Before Sunset
- From the movie: Gettysburg
“To be a good soldier you must love the army. To be a good commander you must be able to order the death of the thing you love.”
- From the movie: Whale Rider
- From the TV Series: Vikings
- From the movie: Hustle & Flow
“You in charge. Say it. Say it like you mean it.”
- From the movie: Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
“Only the most broken people can be great leaders.”
- From the TV Series: The Flash
“Sometimes, as a leader, you have to make tough calls in order to serve the greater good.”
- From the TV Series: The Mandalorian
“I’m just saying, somewhere, someone in this galaxy is ruling, and others are being ruled.”
- From the TV Series: The Sopranos
“Keep thinking you know everything. Some people are so far behind in a race that they actually think they’re leading.”
- From the TV Series: The Sopranos
“That’s what being a boss is. You steer the ship the best way you know. Sometimes it’s smooth. Sometimes you hit the rocks.”
- From the TV Series: House of Cards
“True leadership is not running away from those who disagree with you, but embracing them.”
- From the TV Series: House of Cards
“First, you must learn to pull an oar. Only then can you take the helm.”
- From the movie: Dune
“A great man doesn’t seek to lead; he’s called to it, and he answers.”
- From the TV Series: Lost
“A leader can’t lead ’til he knows where he’s going.”
- From the TV Series: Sons of Anarchy
“I now understand why being a leader requires isolation. I have to remove myself from those whose lives were affected by my decisions. Those I love as well as those I hate. It's getting more and more difficult to be a brother when my decisions are the ones a father has to make. I now realize that every time I make a decision effects everyone...” (continue)(continue reading)
- From the movie: Judas and the Black Messiah
“I’m going to die for the people, because I live for the people! I live for the people, because I love the people!”
- From the TV Series: The Crown
“People have to be angry at someone. But as leader, one cannot simply react to everything.”