Management quotes
38 management quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines- From the movie: Duck Soup
- From the movie: Timecop
“When I'm in office it's going to be just like the 80's. The top 10% will get richer and the other 90% can emigrate to Mexico where they can get a better life.”
- From the movie: Wall Street
“The new law of evolution in corporate America seems to be survival of the unfittest. Well, in my book you either do it right or you get eliminated. In the last seven deals that I've been involved with, there were 2.5 million stockholders who have made a pretax profit of 12 billion dollars. Thank you. I am not a destroyer of companies. I am a...” (continue)(continue reading)
- From the movie: Everybody's All-American
“I'm running this place. I'm good at it. Did anybody ever think I was good at anything? I sure didn't.”
- From the movie: Baby Face
“- Jameson - Bank Director: Will you stop blaming Trenholm! It isn't his fault.
- Gault - Bank Director: When a bank closes because of mismanagement, who is to blame?
- Vanderlure - Bank Director: All of us are to blame! You can't hold one person responsible.” - From the movie: The Italian Job
“It's a very difficult job and the only way to get through it is we all work together as a team. And that means you do everything I say.”
- From the movie: Bill Cosby: Himself
“I am not the boss of my house. I don't know how I lost it. I don't know where I lost it. I don't think I ever had it. But I've seen the boss's job... and I don't want it.”
- From the movie: Rookie of the Year
“I wrap the cake up in my vomit bag, and voila!... Breakfast! Conservation, Managing resources... that is the key to Baseball.”
- From the movie: The Scout
- From the movie: The Paper
“You're in management now. If everybody loved you, you'd be doing something wrong.”
- From the movie: Blood and Sand
“Now as my manager it'll be much easier for you to rob me!”
- From the movie: The Slugger's Wife
“I'm a manager, not a pimp!”
- From the movie: Wall Street
“In the days of the free market when our country was a top industrial power, there was accountability to the stockholder. The Carnegies, the Mellons, the men that built this great industrial empire, made sure of it because it was their money at stake. Today, management has no stake in the company! All together, these men sitting up here own less...” (continue)(continue reading)