Regret quotes
283 regret quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines- La trovi in Motivational Quotes
“I hate looking backward, but every once in a while it sneaks up on you.”
- From the movie: Pitch Perfect 2
- From the movie: The Gallows
“I'm not going to let anything happen to you.”
- La trovi in Acting Coaching
- From the movie: Under the Tuscan Sun
“Regrets are a waste of time. They're the past crippling you in the present.”
- From the movie: Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
- From the movie: Cashback
“You can't undo what is done.”
- From the movie: The Sixth Sense
- From the movie: Logan
“There's no living with the killing. There's no going back. Right or wrong, it's a brand. A brand that sticks.”
- From the movie: The Call
- From the movie: Pacific Rim
“- Herc Hansen: When you drift with someone, you feel like there's nothing to talk about. I just don't wanna regret all the things that I never said.
- Chuck Hansen: That won't- you don't need to. I know. I always have.” - From the movie: Run All Night
- From the movie: Against All Odds
“- Terry Brogan: I keep trying to think which thing I did in my life made me deserve you.
- Jessie Wyler: Go to hell.
- Terry Brogan: Oh, I have, you know that, lady!” - From the movie: Hit and Run
“I went to state school. I went to football games and blacked out and got date raped. I had abortions. I worried too much about what my boyfriends thought. I got what I deserved. But that's not you.”
- From the movie: The Wedding Ringer
“- Jimmy: This is what you have to understand, Doug. Some people are just loners. It's that simple, man.
- Doug Harris: Maybe I don't want to be. Maybe I just want someone to grab a beer with, to go on a cool guy trip with.” - From the movie: Demolition Man
- From the movie: Brokeback Mountain
“Bottom line is... we're around each other an'... this thing, it grabs hold of us again... at the wrong place... at the wrong time... and we're dead.”
- From the movie: Dark Places
“If ifs and buts where candies and nuts, we'd all have a very merry christmas.”
- From the movie: Mortdecai
Of all sad words of tongue or pen the saddest are these "It might have been".
- From the movie: Wanted
Sometimes I wonder if he ever looked into my baby blue eyes and asked himself "Did I just father the most insignificant asshole of the twenty-first century?".
- From the movie: After the Ball
“I just say what I feel and regret it later.”
- La trovi in Motivational Quotes
“The only things you regret are the things you didn't do.”
- From the movie: Siesta
“- Claire: Somewhere... I don't know where... I turned a corner and there was no turning back. Somewhere I made a mistake.
- Kit: Don't mourn it, sweet, it's all right. The marvellous thing about making mistakes is that you can keep making them, the same ones, over and over again.” - From the movie: After the Ball
“People used to smile at work here. Designers used to stay up all night working together just to get one piece perfect. It felt like family.”
- From the movie: Kingdom of Heaven
“There'll be a day when you will wish you had done a little evil to do a greater good.”