Responsibility quotes
309 responsibility quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines- From the movie: Swing Kids
“You think that just because you're not doing it yourself, you're not a part of it? Well, I'm sick and tired of doing my part.”
- From the movie: The Ides of March
“It doesn't matter what you thought. It matters what you did. It matters what you didn't do.”
- From the movie: Cold Mountain
“When this war is over, there will be a reckoning.”
- From the movie: W.
“You haven't kept your word once. Not once. In our family, the Bush family, we honor our commitments.”
- From the movie: Ocean's Twelve
“- Reuben Tishkoff: If, God forbid, anything does happen to you, we will not be involved.
- Terry Benedict: You better not be, Reuben. You better not be.” - From the animation: Meet the Robinsons
“- Lewis: Look, I'm sorry your life turned out so bad. But don't blame me you messed it up yourself. You just focused on the bad stuff when all you had to do was... let go of the past and keep moving forward...
- Bowler Hat Guy: Hmm, let's see... take responsiblity for my own life or blame you? Dingdingdingdingding! Blame you wins hands down!” - From the movie: Bombshell
“We must all bear the cross that's given us, I always say.”
- From the movie: The Miracle of Morgan's Creek
“The responsibility for recording a marriage has always been up to woman. If it wasn't for her, marriage would have disappeared long since. No man is going to jeopardize his present or poison his future with a lot of little brats hollering around the house unless he's forced to.”
- From the movie: Playing God
“Each life is made up of big decisions and each day is made up of a million little decisions. What shirt to wear, what street to walk on, what to eat for lunch. Now all of these seemingly inconsequential choices may change your life forever. But who can handle that kind of responsibility? It would paralyze you to think about it. So you have to...” (continue)(continue reading)
- From the movie: Predators
“You know what the difference between you and me is? We both do the same thing. You just do it for a country, so you don't have to admit you like it.”
- From the movie: Juno
- From the movie: Hollywood Ending
- From the movie: The Pursuit of Happyness
“I met my father for the first time when I was 28 years old. I made up my mind that when I had children, my children were going to know who their father was.”
- From the movie: Jarhead
- From the movie: The 39 Steps
“I am the only person who can stop them. If they are not stopped, it is only a matter of days, perhaps hours, before the secret is out of the country.”
- From the movie: Head Office
“- Jane Caldwell: I wanted to inform you that you've been promoted to executive vice president of external relations.
- Jack Issel: But this is just my first week.
- Jane Caldwell: Then you must have good friends upstairs. But don't give your hopes up. It's basically the same job you had in the complaints department but with 10% more salary and...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Deep Cover
“With dreams begin responsibilities.”
- From the movie: Rocky Balboa
“If you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody!”
- From the movie: Beethoven
“- George: We can't throw out the option of having a babysitter just because we had a bad one. We'll find somebody really responsible to look after the kids.
- Alice: Over my dead body.” - From the movie: Marked Woman
“- David Graham: Help me to prove that he was responsible for this and I'll put him where he won't kill anybody.
- Mary Dwight Strauber: You don't know what he's like! He stops at nothing. People just disappear and are never heard of again. I don't want that to happen to me.” - From the movie: 42nd Street
“You can't fall down. You can't because your future's in it, my future and everything all of us have is staked on you.”
- From the movie: Caboblanco
“- Gifford Hoyt: I don't want that girl to die here like the Englishman.
- Gunther Beckdorff: How can I be responsible, whether she lives or dies? Death comes to us all, Giff, at one time or another. And to die in Caboblanco, well... there's always that colorful cemetery on the beach.” - From the movie: Nixon
“I'd like to offer my condolences to those families. But Nixon can't.”
- From the movie: The Parole Officer
- From the movie: American Gangster