Tradition quotes
51 tradition quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines- From the movie: Bend It Like Beckham
- From the movie: Last Night
“I think maybe I should mention before you make any faux pas here, that we have a tradition in this family, we don't kill other people.”
“- Belle: Chip, you must know about Christmas! Stockings in front of the fire. Tree? Tinsle? Presents?
- Chip: Presents! Will I get one?
- Belle: Of course, everyone gets a present on Christmas.”- From the movie: Star Trek: Nemesis
“Ladies and gentlemen, and invited transgendered species. In my study of Terran and Betazoid conjugal rites, I have discovered it is traditional to present the happy couple with a gift.”
- From the movie: Bend It Like Beckham
- From the movie: October Sky
- From the movie: The Princess Bride
“- Fezzik: You never said anything about killing anyone.
- Vizzini: I've hired you to help me start a war. It's an prestigious line of work, with a long and glorious tradition.” - From the movie: The Nightmare Before Christmas
“- Jack Skellington: We pick up an oversized sock, and hang it like this on the wall...
- Mr. Hyde: Oh, yes! Does it still have a foot?
- Smaller Mr. Hyde: Let me see, let me look.
- Smallest Mr. Hyde: Is it rotted and covered with gook?” - From the movie: Free Willy
- From the movie: Men of Honor
“- Chief Carl Brashear: Forgive me sir, but to me, the Navy isn't a business. It's an organization of people who represent the finest aspects of our nation. We have many traditions. In my career, I have encountered most of them. Some are good, some not so good. I would, however not be here today were it not for our greatest tradition of all.
-...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: The Jazz Singer
“- Molly Bell: Honey what happened? What was that all about?
- Jess Robin: When a Jew mourns somebody dead, they tear a piece of their clothing.
- Molly Bell: Who's dead?
- Jess Robin: I am.” - From the movie: My Big Fat Greek Wedding
- From the movie: The Man in the Iron Mask
“A king fears tradition more than he does assassination. There is a chance for me to escape assassination but not tradition. It's one of the unfortunate things connected with being King.”
“- Belle: It's a wonderful tradition. One log is chosen, and everyone in the house touches it and makes a Christmas wish.
- Beast: Wishes are stupid.”- From the movie: Animal Crackers
“I'm sick of these conventional marriages. One woman and one man was good enough for your grandmother, but who wants to marry your grandmother? Nobody, not even your grandfather.”
- From the movie: Deconstructing Harry
“Tradition is the illusion of permanence.”
- From the movie: Hot Shots! Part Deux
“These men have taken a supreme vow of celibacy, like their fathers, and their fathers before them.”
- From the movie: Coming to America
- From the movie: The Age of Innocence
“Archer enjoyed such challenges to convention. He questioned conformity in private; but, in public, he upheld family and tradition. This was a world balanced so precariously that it's harmony could be shattered by a whisper.”
- From the movie: The Godfather
- From the movie: Bombardier
“To put out fire. That is the crusade of the bombardiers, who are already building a great American tradition - a hundred thousand strong!”
- From the movie: Donnie Brasco
“- Japanese Waiter: Please, take off your shoes.
- Donnie Brasco: Are you kiddin’ me? Take off your pants, what the fuck is that?” - From the movie: My Family
“There are certain things in life that are sacred - sagradas - and we don't spit on them. Because, without them, it doesn't matter whether we live or die. Marriage is something that we don't spit on.”
- From the movie: Cats Don't Dance
- From the movie: Citizen Kane
“Mr. Charles Foster Kane, in every essence of his social beliefs, and by the dangerous manner in which he has persistently attacked the American traditions of private property, initiative, and opportunity for advancement, is in fact, nothing more or less than a Communist!”