Working quotes
632 working quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines- From the movie: The Fourth Angel
“No-one ever wished on their death-bed that they'd spent more time at the office!”
- From the movie: Hoffa
“There's a time to shirk, and a time to work.”
- From the movie: The Good German
“This guy? Drove one of the gas vans. They'd load the Jews in back, run the exhaust inside. By the time they got where they were going, they were already dead. Very efficient. Driving to work, he killed more people than Al Capone in all his years in Chicago. But if you asked him, he isn't a murderer, he's a truck driver. And he still thinks that.”
- From the movie: Day of the Dead
“Your orders are to facilitate the job of this scientific team! This is a civilian team, and we don't have to be subjected to your tyranny.”
- From the movie: Roman Holiday
- From the movie: A View from the Top
“- Co-Pilot Steve Bench: You're a pro. You're going places.
- Donna Jensen: You think?
- Co-Pilot Steve Bench: I'm a pilot. It's my job to know where people are going.” - From the movie: The Social Network
You're twenty minutes late. You're gonna walk in there and say you overslept and didn't have time to get dressed. They're gonna pitch you. They're gonna beg you to take their money. You're gonna nod, and then you're gonna say, "Which one of you is Mitchell Manningham?" And he'll say, "I am." And then you say, "Sean Parker says, 'Fuck you'.
- From the movie: The Killers
“Let's just say that I work for the blah blah blah, and they gave me a license to blah.”
- From the movie: Mrs. Miniver
“I know how comfortable it is to curl up with a nice, fat book full of big words and think you're going to solve all the problems in the universe. But you're not, you know. A bit of action is required every now and then.”
- From the movie: Interstate 60: Episodes of The Road
“- Neal Oliver: Okay, so if everyone who lives here is a lawyer, how do you live? I mean, who runs the grocery store? Who does your dry-cleaning? Who fixes the shitter when it breaks?
- Valerie McCabe: Well, we all moonlight on the law-related jobs. You know, police, bailiffs, court reporters. But those other, trivial things you mentioned?...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Bring It On: All or Nothing
- Britney: I was up all night working on new cheers.
- Winnie: You've managed to maintain a "C" average and work on new cheers? Ugh you're such an overachiever. - From the movie: There Will Be Blood
“- Plainview: These men are working twelve hour shifts and they need their rest. If they don't have it, they start to make stupid mistakes...
- Eli Sunday: I've seen some of the men drinking. Don't you think that has something to do with it...
- Plainview: We need these men well rested to bring in this well. They can't get that if they're up here...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: She-Devil
- From the movie: A Christmas Carol
“I wear the chain I forged in life. I made it link by link and yard by yard. Is its pattern strange to you or would you know the length of the strong coils you bear yourself? It was as full, as heavy, as long as this seven Christmas eves ago, you have labored on it since, it is a ponderous chain!”
- From the movie: Cool as Ice
“People can be who they want to be, as long as they're willing to work.”
- From the movie: The Man with Two Brains
- From the movie: The Kingdom
“Saudis, like Americans, don't do manual labor.”
- From the movie: Hoffa
“They'd rather some people die for your mistake than that they lived but that they lacked a leader.”
“It has been my experience that one cannot, in any shape or form, depend on human relations for lasting reward. It is only work that truly satisfies.”
- From the movie: Roger & Me
“Well, if you're espousing a philosophy, which apparently you are, that the corporation owes employees cradle-to-the-grave security, I don't think that can be accomplished under a free enterprise system.”
- From the movie: October Sky
- From the movie: First Kid
- From the movie: Monsoon Wedding
“If he wants the work done, he must get the cash out.”