Richard Pryor movie quotes

Immagine di Richard Pryor
Identikit and personal data
Last name
December 1, 1940
December 10, 2005
North American
actor, writer, comedian
Zodiac sign
Richard Pryor movie quotes, phrases and lines
87 in english
Richard Pryor quotes
  • “- Gus Gorman: Hey, man!
    - Lorelei: That's his last name. He likes to be called Superman.”

    Richard Pryor - Gus Gorman
    Pamela Stephenson - Lorelei
  • “- Reporter: Now that your job's been eliminated, sir, what are your future plans?
    - Arlo Pear: I just sharpened my pencil!”

    Richard Pryor - Arlo Pear
  • “- Zeke: Now that shit is pitiful. I dunno how in the fuck a nigga like that gets some money anyway. This is the dumbest shit - look at this muthafucka. Look like a muthafuckin' ostrich. Look at that shit...
    - Caroline Brown: If you hate it so much, why dontcha just turn it off?
    - Zeke: Turn it off? Are you kiddin' baby? Took me three years to...” (continue)
    (continue reading)

    Richard Pryor - Zeke
    Chip Fields - Caroline Brown
    [Tag:money, television]
  • “- Young Man in Hospital: What you in for, brother?
    - Harry Monroe: There's got to be some kind of confusion. They say my appendix grew back; but, I had it taken out years ago. What about you?
    - Young Man in Hospital: I came in for a hernia operation. They cut off one of my nuts by mistake.
    - Harry Monroe: Say what!”

    Franklyn Ajaye - Young Man in Hospital
    Richard Pryor - Harry Monroe
  • “- U.S. Bates: Are you crazy?
    - Jack Brown: Yes, but trust me!”

    Jackie Gleason - U.S. Bates
    Richard Pryor - Jack Brown
    [Tag:madness, trust]
  • “- U.S. Bates: I only get Eric for a week each year.
    - Jack Brown: Then you should get better lawyers, you shouldn't have to have him that long.
    - U.S. Bates: It just so happens I love him.”

    Jackie Gleason - U.S. Bates
    Richard Pryor - Jack Brown
    [Tag:love, son, time]
  • “Marriage is really tough because you have to deal with feelings and lawyers.”
    Richard Pryor
  • “- Skip Donahue: What are you doing?
    - Harry Monroe: I'm gettin bad. You better get bad, Jack, 'cause if you ain't bad you're gonna get fucked.”

    Gene Wilder - Skip Donahue
    Richard Pryor - Harry Monroe
  • “- Clarence Hill: It sounds like a simple misunderstanding to me. Now... Zeke'll buy Miller a bottle of Cutty, and we'll forget the whole thing.
    - Zeke: Zeke is not buying nobody a goddamn thing! And you haven't shit for a steward, Hill!
    - Clarence Hill: Maybe you don't belong in this union!
    - Zeke: Maybe you're right!”

    Lane Smith - Clarence Hill
    Richard Pryor - Zeke
  • “You're a fox, baby. Not just a fox, but the fox of foxes! If I was a hound dog, you wouldn't stand a chance. I'd be snapping at you. Day and night. I'm a snapper.”
    Richard Pryor - Eddie Dash
    [Tag:cunning, hunting]
  • “I believe in the institution of marriage, and I intend to keep trying 'til I get it right.”
    Richard Pryor
  • “- Eric Bates: Hang on, I got the key.
    - Jack Brown: You got the key? Why didn't you say so?
    - Eric Bates: You didn't ask me.”

    Scott Schwartz - Eric Bates
    Richard Pryor - Jack Brown
  • “- Marvin: There's a cop over there, man.
    - Joe Braxton: That ain't no cop!
    - Marvin: How do you know?
    - Joe Braxton: He don't piss like no cop.”

    Paul Mooney - Marvin
    Richard Pryor - Joe Braxton
    [Tag:awareness, police]
  • “- Woman: Excuse me, does your dog bite?
    - Arlo Pear: Ma'am, that dog hasn't farted since March '78.”

    Richard Pryor - Arlo Pear
  • “- Jack Brown: I'm writing a book. Writing a book is a job.
    - Stanley: No, writing a book is a cop out.”

    Richard Pryor - Jack Brown
    Tony Burton - Stanley
    [Tag:job, writing]
  • “8 hours ago I was lunatic at the state asylum. Right? Now I gotta a yacht, I met a nice lady. I'm proud to be an American.”
    Richard Pryor - Dr. Eddie Slattery
  • “- Loan broker: So, you found your dream house. And right now you're asking First Boise Savings & Loan to give you a mortgage.
    - Arlo Pear: As you can see, I've had the same job for 15 years.
    - Loan broker: Well, that's very nice, but it's not enough. I mean, Al Capone had the same job for 30 years.”

    Rodney Dangerfield - Loan Broker
    Richard Pryor - Arlo Pear
    [Tag:bankers, job]
  • “- Blade: A rodeo clown is the most dangerous job in the world! He's the one that gets closest to the bull. He gets the best of the bull! Hook to the left! Hook to the side! If the bull rider is in danger, he's gotta protect him! Even if it means gettin' his ribs pulled out and bein' freight-trained.
    - Harry Monroe: Freight-trained!
    - Blade:...” (continue)
    (continue reading)
    Charles Weldon - Blade
    Richard Pryor - Harry Monroe
    [Tag:animals, clown, danger]
  • “- Rudy: Sure, we'll have our problems, just like most young couples.
    - Arlo Pear: You're gonna have a problem walking straight if you don't take your hands off my daughter.”

    Morris Day - Rudy
    Richard Pryor - Arlo Pear
  • “- Ross Webster: What will it do?
    - Gus Gorman: Anything I tell it.
    - Ross Webster: What will it do for me?
    - Gus Gorman: For you, it will do anything you tell me to tell it to do for you.”

    Robert Vaughn - Ross Webster
    Richard Pryor - Gus Gorman
  • “- Wally: These streets are bumpy.
    - Dave: You're driving on the sidewalk!”

    Richard Pryor - Wally
    Gene Wilder - Dave
  • “- Minister: I never felt like this before. I'm... I'm...
    - Joy: Horny? That which reminds me, there's something I've always wanted to ask someone like you. Do you get much?
    - Minister: Not too often. Just an occasional glass at dinner.
    - Harry Monroe: That's not what she meant.”

    Rod McCary - Minister
    Claudia Cron - Joy
    Richard Pryor - Harry Monroe
    [Tag:excitement, sex]
  • “- Joe Braxton: Get outta my seat, man!
    - Harold: I can drive. Tell him I want to drive.
    - Linda: Harold loves to drive. He can...
    - Joe Braxton: I don't care! Drive your ass to the back of the bus. Do that!”

    Richard Pryor - Joe Braxton
    Jimmy Hughes - Harold
    Tami Luchow - Linda
  • “- Gus Gorman: I've been thinking I'm not making enough money for this gig.
    - Ross Webster: Gus, if there's anything I hate, it's greed.”

    Richard Pryor - Gus Gorman
    Robert Vaughn - Ross Webster
    [Tag:greed, money]
  • “- George: Fly away! Fly away! There are men with guns here! Fly Away! Go back to your families!
    - Eddie Dash: Why'd you do that?
    - George: To keep a harmless creature from suffering a horrible fate, and to keep you from suffering a life of heartache and guilt!”

    Gene Wilder - George
    Richard Pryor - Eddie Dash
    [Tag:guilt, hunting, rescue]