Trey Parker quotes
- From the animation: South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut
“- Jimbo Kearn: Oh boy, military action, Ned, we're gonna kill us some goddam' Australians!
- Ned Gerblanski: I think we're fighting Canadians.
- Jimbo Kearn: Canadians, Australians, what's the difference?” - From the movie: Orgazmo
“Superheroes that pray together stay together.”
- From the movie: BASEketball
- Joe Cooper: Hey pigfucker, can I call you "pigfucker"?
- Doug Remer: No, only my friends can call me "pigfucker". - From the movie: BASEketball
- From the animation: South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut
- From the movie: Cannibal! The Musical
“- Polly Pry: How are you doing?
- Alferd Packer: How am I doing? Have you ever been sitting around waiting to die?” - From the movie: BASEketball
“- Doug Remer: Oh, I'll come, I love hospitals.
- Joe Cooper: No you don't, you like Taco Bell!
- Doug Remer: No, one time I was at this hospital, in France, and I met this great chick.
- Joe Cooper: Dude, that was a hostel.” - From the movie: Cannibal! The Musical
- From the movie: Orgazmo
“- Joe Young: But if you're such a scientific genius,don't you think Heavenly Father has something more important planned for your life?
- Ben Chapelski: Who?
- Joe Young: You.
- Ben Chapelski: What?” - From the movie: Orgazmo
“I'm not a superhero! I'm a Latter-Day Saint.”
- From the movie: Newsies
- From the movie: Orgazmo
“- Ben Chapelski: To the Orgazmobile!
- Joe Young: What?
- Ben Chapelski: My Buick Century!”