“Stir Crazy” quotes
Sir Sidney Poitier
directed this movie
in 1980
Title Stir Crazy
Year 1980
Director Sidney Poitier
Genre Comedy, Crime
Year 1980
Director Sidney Poitier
Genre Comedy, Crime
Plot – Skip and Harry decide to leave a cold and sad New York for the South in search of sun, human kindness and love. Needless to say, they are immediately mistaken for two robbers and thrown into jail, where they stay until they find a way to escape thanks to their participation to a rodeo authorized by the management. Meanwhile the two real robbers are arrested.
All actors – Gene Wilder, Richard Pryor, Georg Stanford Brown, JoBeth Williams, Miguel Ángel Suárez, Craig T. Nelson, Barry Corbin, Charles Weldon, Nicolas Coster, Joel Brooks, Jonathan Banks, Erland van Lidth
show all“Stir Crazy” Quotes 29 quotes
“This is '65 African Ganja - from the motherland! Do you understand? It's been soaked in the earth, back home! This is mean! One joint of this put Southern California to sleep back in '65. Did you know there was a revolution in '65? We went to sleep and missed it! Because, of this! This is green! This is bad!”
“- Big Mean: What's the charge?
- Harry Monroe: Innocent.
- Big Mean: Ain't we all?”“- Skip Donahue: You want to know something that's always fascinated me? Are the prison romances that sometimes spring up between inmates and girls from the outside. Sometimes quite beautiful girls. I mean, would you, for example... could you actually become involved, I mean, romantically, with a prisoner?
- Meredith: Absolutely not.
- Skip...” (continue)(continue reading)“I want to get out of this place! Let's go some place! We can just head out west. We could grab odd jobs along the way. Build up a wonderful little nest egg. And then head for Hollywood! That's the place for you and me! Picture it, Harry. Harry and Skip in the Sunbelt. Out there, in the Sunbelt, you just smile and they pour money out on you. And...” (continue)(continue reading)
- Skip Donahue: My name is Skip Donahue. I'm a playwright and I saw you do a scene from "Romeo and Juliet" at the Wilson Workshop. I want you to know that you were wonderful. I'm not just saying it to be kind. You were really lovely.
- Susan: If you don't get out of my way, I'm going to kick you in the nuts!
- Skip Donahue: Kick! In the nuts!... (continue)(continue reading)“- Big Mean: Short ass son of a bitch, ain't you?
- Harry Monroe: Oh, I'm a short son of a bitch. My father was a short son of a bitch too. My mother was shorter than him. And my brother was real short and we couldn't even see him. He was a short son of a bitch.”“- Skip Donahue: Did you sleep any better last night?
- Harry Monroe: No. I got a couple of winks between nightmares.”“A hundred and twenty five years... Oh God, Oh God... I'll be a hundred and sixty one when I get out.”
“- Skip Donahue: She's not for you.
- Harry Monroe: What do you mean, she's not for me?
- Skip Donahue: Harry, Nancy is a fascinating girl. She may be the single hottest girl on the East Side. But when you wake up in the morning you'll find that she's not a very serious person.
- Harry Monroe: Neither am I!”“- Harry Monroe: Do you mind? What'd you kill your step-father for anyway?
- Rory: Criticizing my new fur jacket... and... slapping my hand.”“- Harry Monroe: You think this is The Count Of Monte Cristo or something, man? We're in trouble. This is the real deal! We're in deep shit!
- Skip Donahue: Harry, you and I are innocent. You know that. I know that. And somewhere outside, the two guys who really pulled that bank job know it too.
- Harry Monroe: But, the cops don't know it!”“- Skip Donahue: Just picture this. You and me - and two girls. Romping through the desert. Splashing into the ocean. And the moonlight is out. And, we just catch a glimpse of their bodies when the moonlight hits their breasts. And we watch those breasts just bounce gently - to and fro.
- Harry Monroe: And sand?
- Skip Donahue: After the water,...” (continue)(continue reading)“- Skip Donahue: I want a bigger cell! With better ventilation!
- Deputy Ward Wilson: Why? Grossberger's been fartin' on ya?”“- Young Man in Hospital: What you in for, brother?
- Harry Monroe: There's got to be some kind of confusion. They say my appendix grew back; but, I had it taken out years ago. What about you?
- Young Man in Hospital: I came in for a hernia operation. They cut off one of my nuts by mistake.
- Harry Monroe: Say what!”“- Crook #1: One hundred and twenty-five years without a woof of pussy. How'd that make you feel, Mason?
- Crook #2: Mean. Very, very mean!”“- Skip Donahue: I should have told you in your office! My mother was a veterinarian! I can't have anything to do with the exploitation of animals, she'd turn over in her grave!
- Warden Walter Beatty: I don't believe you heard me correctly. This is very important to me!
- Skip Donahue: Important to you? My mother is watching over every step I...” (continue)(continue reading)“- Blade: A rodeo clown is the most dangerous job in the world! He's the one that gets closest to the bull. He gets the best of the bull! Hook to the left! Hook to the side! If the bull rider is in danger, he's gotta protect him! Even if it means gettin' his ribs pulled out and bein' freight-trained.
- Harry Monroe: Freight-trained!
- Blade:...” (continue)(continue reading)