Business quotes
403 business quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines- From the movie: War Dogs
- From the movie: Marked for Death
“I'll fuckin' sell anything to anybody, Hatcher, except you, man, I wouldn't sell you the sweat off my balls.”
- From the movie: Layer Cake
“The art of good business is being a good middleman. Putting people together.”
- From the movie: Unfinished Business
“- Dan Trunkman: Well you're the little guy taking on the big guy.
- Chuck Portnoy: You're going to go up against me and Dynamic Systems?
- Dan Trunkman: We're going to be hard to beat.” - From the movie: A Month in the Country
“- Alice Keach: Were you always in the... cleaning business, Mr Birkin?
- Birkin: My father traveled in... soap.” - From the movie: The Betsy
- From the movie: Dick Tracy
“- Big Boy Caprice: Look what you did to your pretty tuxedo.
- Lips Manlis: Big Boy, ain't we pals?
- Big Boy Caprice: No pals in this business, Lips. You taught me that.” - La trovi in History of Cinema in Quotes
“The TV business is soul crushing, talent destroying and human being destroying.”
- From the movie: Zorba the Greek
“- Basil: An overhead cable? You're mad.
- Alexis Zorba: Why?
- Basil: That forest doesn't belong to us.
- Alexis Zorba: Well, it doesn't, and then it does.
- Basil: What does that mean?
- Alexis Zorba: It belong to the monastery. The monastery belongs to God, and God belongs to everybody. Do you agree?” - From the movie: He Got Game
“When making a business decision, the only color that matters is green.”
- From the movie: The Ninth Gate
“- Boris Balkan: Our relations have always been strictly commercial, and that's the way I like it. The professional and the personal should be mutually exclusive.
- Dean Corso: Listen, I came here to do some business, not shoot the breeze. If you want to expound your personal philosophies, write another book.” - From the movie: Ray
“- Ray Charles: You're the ones who taught me that making a record is business and find the best business deal that you can. Now seventy-five cents of every dollar and owning my own masters is a pretty damn good deal. Can you match it?
- Ahmet Ertegun: Ray we would love to match it, but we just can't. That's a better deal than Sinatra gets... I'm...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Get Hard
- From the movie: The Break-Up
- From the movie: Swimming with Sharks
“What are we supposed to think? A young, eager producer comes up to the house of a top executive for a midnight rendezvous? She's right, Guy, it's not what you think. She's definitely not selling Girl Scout cookies!”
- From the movie: High School High
“- Principal Evelyn Doyle: I inherited the business from my late husband.
- Richard Clark: I'm shocked!
- Principal Evelyn Doyle: What? That a woman can run a business?
- Richard Clark: No. That you were ever married.” - From the movie: Road to Perdition
“- Michael Sullivan: You're protecting him already?
- Frank Nitti: We're protecting our interests, Mike.” - From the movie: Bug
It's the way things are, it's "the rich get richer, the poor get poorer." They devised a plan to manipulate technology, economics, the media, population control, world religion, to keep things the way they are. And they have continued to meet once a year, every year, since the original meeting.
- From the movie: The Company Men
- From the movie: Thank You For Smoking
“Right there, looking into Joey's eyes, it all came back in a rush. Why I do what I do. Defending the defenseless, protecting the disenfranchised corporations that have been abandoned by their very own consumers.”
“Agents and producers have to get you into a box to accommodate their limited imaginations.”
- From the movie: Thank You For Smoking
“The sole purpose of their meetings is to compete for the highest death tolls and how to compare strategies on how to dupe the American people.”
- From the movie: Major Payne
“Killing is my business, and business is good!”
- From the movie: 2gether
“- Doug Linus: You sold our stereo? That was worth way more than that stupid retainer!
- Chad Linus: No way! That stereo was never in my mouth! Okay once, but only for a second!”