Killing quotes
2164 killing quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines- From the movie: The Book Thief
“The bombs were falling thicker now. It's probably fair to say that no one was able to serve the Führer as loyally as me.”
- From the movie: Tales from the Hood
“You are responsible for the lives you've taken. For the dreams you've turned into nightmares.”
- From the movie: Ultraviolet
“Killing is what I do. It's what I'm good at. I am a titan. A monolith. Nothing can stop me.”
- From the movie: Man Of Steel
“- Lara Lor-Van: He will be an outcast. They'll kill him.
- Jor-El: How? He'll be a god to them.” - From the movie: Quick Change
- From the movie: Lethal Weapon 2
“I'm the guy that changed the course of your life, man. 4 years ago, Riggs, when you were a narc down in Long Beach, you were getting too close to us so we put a contract out on you. I handled it myself; drove your car right off the fucking road, remember? Now, of course, you weren't driving. You can't imagine the surprise. I pulled back this...” (continue)(continue reading)
- From the movie: Goodfellas
- From the movie: The Professional
“- Mathilda: I've decided what to do with my life. I wanna be a cleaner.
- Léon: You wanna be a cleaner? [passes her a gun and bullets] Here, take it. It's a goodbye gift. Go clean. But not with me. I work alone, understand? Alone.
- Mathilda: Bonnie and Clyde didn't work alone. Thelma and Louise didn't work alone. And they were the best.” - From the movie: 8 Million Ways to Die
“- Angel Moldonado: What happened to her, is people think that if you have to kill somebody in the course of doing business, sometimes it pays to advertise. You know, make it messy. Remind people they bleed when they die. It might even prevent more killings.
- Scudder: You're a real humanitarian.” - From the movie: X2
“- Nightcrawler: Please don't kill me, I didn't mean to harm anyone.
- Storm: Now why would people have gotten that impression?” - From the movie: End Of Watch
“- Brian Taylor: Touch me and I will fucking shoot you. Stay where you are.
- Mr. Tre: I don't give a fuck about both you motherfuckers. I'm ready to die today. Fuck ya'll.
- Brian Taylor: This can go one of several ways right now. It is all about your attitude.” - From the movie: Predators
“- Royce: Please stop doing that! You are shooting at the wrong people.
- Nikolai: How do I know?
- Royce: Because otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation.” - From the movie: The Day After
“You can't see it... you can't feel it... and you can't taste it. But it's here, right now, all around us! It's goin' through you like an X-ray! Right into your cells! What do you think killed all these animals?”
- From the movie: Casualties of War
- From the movie: The Open Road
“I'd kill a man to be twenty-five again.”
- From the movie: Under Fire
- From the movie: The Hitcher
- From the movie: Sister Act
“- Eddie Souther: Mrs. Van Cartier? You're Vince LaRocca's girlfriend, right?
- Deloris: Well you could... sort of... maybe... it depends on how you look at it! I mean, the guy just tried to kill me so I don't think that cements our relationship!
- Eddie Souther: You realize he's a major underworld figure, don't you?
- Clarkson: He's into drug...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Deathstalker and the Warriors from Hell
“I wish I was the kind of man who could kill a woman.”
- From the movie: Peter Pan
“- Peter Pan: Tinkerbell... she's my fairy.
- Wendy Darling: But, there's no such thing as...
[Peter Pan flies up and closes her mouth]
- Peter Pan: Don't say that. Every time someone says that, a fairy somewhere falls down dead.” - From the movie: Twisted
“We all have the capacity to kill! You... Me... Anyone! The problem is control.”
- From the movie: Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
“- Dr. Evil: As you know, every diabolical scheme I've hatched has been thwarted by Austin Powers. And why is that, ladies and gentlemen?
- Scott: Because you never kill him when you get the chance, and you're a big dope?” - From the movie: Drillbit Taylor
“- Drillbit Taylor: You'd be surprised, anything can be turned into a weapon of mayhem or destruction.
- Emmit: Even a puppy?
- Drillbit Taylor: Especially a puppy. The Germans used em' in World War I. De Hundin Schtorman, Lightning Dog. They'd attach dynamite to them.” - From the movie: Miller's Crossing
“You gotta remember to put one in his brain. Your first shot puts him down, then you put one in his brain. Then he's dead. Then we go home.”
- From the movie: The Bag Man
“- Jack: I got shot.
- Rivka: In the hand?
- Jack: Yeah.
- Rivka: Why?
- Jack: Because I'm lucky like that.
- Rivka: Did they miss your heart or they couldn't find it?”