Killing quotes
2164 killing quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines- From the movie: Very Bad Things
“- Kyle Fisher: I'm calling the police.
- Robert Boyd: So help me God, you touch that fuckin' phone, I'll bury you with them!” - From the movie: Nurse Betty
“- Charlie: People who get the calls are good. Not flashy, good. They get in, they get out, nobody knows a goddamn thing. You understand? Boom, boom, boom. Three in the head, you know they're dead.
- Wesley: You know, that's kind of catchy.
- Charlie: Yeah? Well I'll make you a fucking bumper sticker.” - From the movie: The Whole Nine Yards
- From the movie: Halloween H20: 20 Years Later
- From the movie: Dawn of the Dead
“I'll kill each and every one of you to stay alive. You hear me?”
- From the movie: Battle Beyond the Stars
“- Shad: I've never taken a life before, Nell.
- Nell: The Varda says we can take life to save life.” - From the movie: Wyatt Earp
- From the movie: 28 Days
- From the movie: Scream 3
- From the movie: Chicago
- From the movie: Street Kings
“- Detective Paul Diskant: So we're just gonna go in there and kill them?
- Tom Ludlow: No, I'm going to ask them some questions. Then we're going to kill them.” - From the movie: UHF
- From the movie: Caddyshack
“- Sandy McFiddish: I want you to kill every gopher on the course!
- Carl Spackler: Check me if I'm wrong Sandy, but if I kill all the golfers, they're gonna lock me up and throw away the key...
- Sandy McFiddish: Gophers, ya great git! Not golfers! The little brown furry rodents!
- Carl Spackler: We can do that... we don't even have to have a...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
- From the movie: Killer Elite
- From the movie: Battle Royale
“What's wrong with killing? Everyone's got their reasons.”
- From the movie: Planet Terror
“Try not to shoot yourselves. Don't shoot each other. But especially... don't shoot me.”
- From the movie: Buddy Buddy
- From the movie: Cannibal! The Musical
“- George Noon: He's dead!
- James Humphrey: Well no kidding he's dead. His brains are lying in the snow.” “- Admiral Motti: Lord Vader, your inside references to the Los Angeles real estate market haven't given you the clairvoyance to turn a profit on that condo in Glendale. Nor has it...
- Stewie Griffin as Darth Vader: [begins to choke Admiral Motti] I find your lack of faith disturbing. That property is in a prime location! Twenty minutes to the...” (continue)(continue reading)- From the movie: Along Came a Spider
“- Jezzie Flannigan: Would you kill another partner?
- Alex Cross: You're not my partner.” - From the movie: Anything Else
“What you don't know, won't hurt you, it'll kill you.”
- From the movie: The Replacement Killers
“- John Lee: He's my patron.
- Meg Coburn: Patron?
- John Lee: He made it possible for me to come here.
- Meg Coburn: What does he, sponsor you to play the violin?
- John Lee: ... in exchange for... services.
- Meg Coburn: What a nice way of saying you kill people.” - From the movie: The Outlaw
- From the movie: Manhattan
“- Isaac: You honestly think that I tried to run you over?
- Connie: You just happened to hit the gas as I walked in front of the car?
- Isaac: Did I do it on purpose?
- Jill: Well, what would Freud say?
- Isaac: Freud would say I really wanted to run her over, that's why he was a genius.”