Killing quotes
2164 killing quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines- From the movie: Posse
- From the animation: Meet the Robinsons
“All right, Lewis, knock em' dead. That was a figure of speech. Please don't kill anyone.”
- From the movie: The Musketeer
“Bless me Father, for I will sin. One night I will come for you.”
- From the movie: Lion of the Desert
- Omar Mukhtar: We do not kill prisoners!
- Arab Warrior: They do it to us!
- Omar Mukhtar: "They" are not our teachers! - From the movie: Hot Shots! Part Deux
“Now I will kill you until you die from it!”
- From the movie: Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
“It's always the same and it's always different.”
- From the movie: Mobsters
“- Bugsy Siegel: I'm Bugsy Siegel, ever heard of me?
- Showgirl: No, what do you do?
- Bugsy Siegel: I kill people.” - From the movie: The Last Time
“If you know anything about elephants, you know they eat up to a ton of vegetation every single day. If the authorities let them keep eating like that, there wouldn't be a single shrub left in the park. So as fucked up as it sounds, the rangers have to kill 100s of elephants every year, so the others don't starve to death.”
- From the movie: All the Pretty Horses
“I'm not going to kill you. I'm not like you.”
- From the movie: Memphis Belle
“- Capt. Dennis Dearborn: And if we don't drop these bombs right in the pickle barrel there are going to be a lot of innocent people killed.
- 1st Lt. Luke Sinclair: What's the difference? They're all Nazis!” - From the movie: Clue
- From the movie: Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
“- Terminator: John Connor. It is time.
- John Connor: Are you here to kill me?
- Terminator: No. You must live.” - From the movie: Guyver: Dark Hero
“The Guyver Unit. It's been a year since the alien armor invaded my body and became a part of me. A year since I first became the Guyver and destroyed the Chronos Corporation and their shape changing killers, the Zoanoids. Now Chronos is gone. But the Guyver stays in me. Calling me to fight. To kill.”
- From the movie: Pitch Black
“Murders aside, Riddick belongs in the asshole hall of fame. He loves to jaw-jack and he loves to make you feel afraid because that's all he has.”
- From the movie: Sin City
“- Cardinal Roark: Will that bring you satisfaction, my son? Killing a helpless, old, fart?
- Marv: Killing? No. No satisfaction. Everything up until the killing, will be a gas.” - From the movie: Falling Down
“You have a choice. I can kill you. Or you can kill me, and my daughter will get the insurance.”
- From the movie: The Protector
“His name's Benny Garucci, he's an ex karate champ. I'd like to bust his fucking head in with a crowbar, but you're gonna have to hold him, he's a tough sonofabitch.”
- From the movie: Never Cry Wolf
“- Mike: To me a wolf means money. It's a way of making a living. One wolf pelt is about $350 dollars. And I've got to feed my family; my children. Buy a snowmobile; food, rifle, bullets whatever.
- Tyler: You wouldn't ah... you wouldn't kill these wolves?
- Mike: These ones... no. No I don't think so. Besides you would get mad if I killed one of...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
“Killing my first man was like making love to my first woman.”
- From the movie: Silent Fall
“- Dr. Jake Rainer: You're going to shoot me? How are you going to explain that?
- Sylvie Warden: I'll think of something.” - From the movie: The Big Red One
“I can understand you being horny and all, Fritz... but you have bad breath.”
- From the movie: Saving Private Ryan
“I just know that every man I kill the farther away from home I feel.”
- From the movie: What's Eating Gilbert Grape
“I killed him Gilbert, I killed him!”
- From the movie: Overnight Delivery
- From the movie: Saw IV
“Girl loves boy, boy loves girl, boy gets girl pregnant, girl loses baby, boy turns into a serial killer.”