New york quotes
170 new york quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines- From the movie: Night of the Fox
“- Hugh Kelso: Am I in France?
- Hélène de Ville: No, you're in Jersey.
- Hugh Kelso: Great! Where's the Boardwalk?” - From the animation: Madagascar
“You know, by the time we get back to New York, it'll be the middle of winter. So I was thinking, why rush? Maybe we could make a few sidestops along the way.”
“I'm impressed with the people from Chicago. Hollywood is hype, New York is talk, Chicago is work.”
- La trovi in Career in Cinema
“Being a lawyer in New York sucks because you're working eighty, sometimes a hundred hours a week.”
- From the movie: Party Monster
- From the movie: Moscow on the Hudson
“This is New York City. A man can do whatever he wants.”
- From the movie: Big Bully
“- Kirby: Dad are we really going to New York City?
- Rosco Bigger - Fang: That's why they call them mobile homes, son, 'cause they're mobile.” - From the movie: No Cure For Cancer
“I love living in New York, man, and people who live in New York, we wear that fact like a badge right on our sleeve because we know that fact impresses everybody! I was in Vietnam. So what? I live in New York!”
- From the movie: The Dream Team
- From the movie: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
“- Tina: What are you doing in New York, anyway?
- Newt: I came to buy a birthday present.
- Tina: Couldn't you have done that in London?
- Newt: No, there's only one breeder of Appaloosa Puffskeins in the world, and he lives in New York, so, no.” “If you're bored in New York, it's your own fault.”
- From the movie: Armageddon
“Oh, we at war! Saddam Hussein is bombing us!”
- From the movie: Requiem for a Dream
“That's the trouble with ya New York dope friends. Ya got a rotten attitude.”
- From the movie: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
“You know, New York is considerably more interesting that I'd expected.”
- From the movie: Revenge of the Pink Panther
“Who has given us nothing but trouble for the past ten years? Who has survived sixteen assassination attempts, including two by his own boss? Clouseau. You want to impress New York. Eliminate Clouseau.”
- From the movie: Sex and the City
“- Carrie Bradshaw: Aside from the space issue... why'd you move to New York?
- Louise: To fall in love.” - From the movie: The Cotton Club
- From the movie: Shock Treatment
“- Emily Weiss: Thank God he was born an orphan. It would have killed his parents. And thank goodness he didn't end up like that Slibstrini boy.
- Harry Weiss: What are you talking about? Danny Slibstrini's a chip of the old block. Why, I played 18 holes of golf with his father just last week and Hank says that Danny's moved to New York to better...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Against All Odds
“Nueva York! New York City! The big apple! Yeah. Rotten to the core as tonight's group will aply demonstrate. They think of themselves as tropical gangsters, but we like to call them: kid Creole and the coconuts!”
- From the movie: Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
“Here's what I learned: when you're happy, the whole world's New York. And that dreams are important. Someday, when you're not even looking, they find you.”
- From the movie: Ghostbusters II
“You know, I have met some dumb blondes in my life, but you take the taco, pal! Only a Carpathian would come back to life now and choose New York! Tasty pick, bonehead! If you had brain one in that huge melon on top of your neck, you would be living the sweet life out in Southern California's beautiful San Fernando Valley!”
- From the movie: The Other Guys
“In New York City there's a fine line between law and chaos. On that line live Danson and Highsmith.”