Pain quotes
615 pain quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines- From the movie: The Terminator
“- Kyle Reese: Pain can be controlled - you just disconnect it.
- Sarah Connor: So you feel nothing?” - From the movie: The Deer Hunter
“- Stan: How does it feel to be shot?
- Michael: Doesn't hurt. That's what you wanna know.” - From the movie: Rushmore
“- Rosemary Cross: Well, you pulled it off.
- Max Fischer: It went okay. At least nobody got hurt.
- Rosemary Cross: Except you.” - From the animation: Hercules
“- Hercules: Meg, when I'm with you, I don't feel so alone.
- Meg: Sometimes it's better to be alone.
- Hercules: What do you mean?
- Meg: Nobody can hurt you.” - From the movie: My Stepmother Is an Alien
“- Steven Mills: I think... I think...
- Celeste Martin: What?
- Steven Mills: Would I scare you... if I told you I love you?
- Celeste Martin: Not unless you hit me at the same time.
- Steven Mills: I'm serious.
- Celeste Martin: So am I!” - From the movie: Fire and Ice
- From the movie: Suspicion
“You couldn't hurt a fly, Bertram, unless it was already dead.”
- From the movie: The Princess Bride
- From the movie: Daffy Duck's Quackbusters
“I'm not like other people, I can't stand pain, it hurts me.”
- From the movie: The Pest
“- Himmel Shank: You'd have to shoot me first.
[Gustav Shank shoots Himmel]
- Chubby: I can't believe you shot him.
- Gustav Shank: Ah, he's wearing a bulletproof vest.
- Himmel Shank: Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.” - From the movie: The Devil and Max Devlin
“- Max Devlin: I know you're here! Let me see your rotten, lying, deceitful face now! I'm gonna burn your contracts!
- Barney Satin: Burn those contracts and eternal damnation is yours! You'll know the unmitigating pain and horror of limbs being torn from their sockets! Your limbs! Your sockets! You'll feel pain you've never imagined in life!...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Men at Work
- From the movie: Kiss of Death
- From the movie: The Pope of Greenwich Village
“Nothing hurts as much as you think it will. You go numb... then you wrap your belt around your wrist and get to the nearest hospital.”
- From the movie: Funny Bones
“I never saw anything funny that didn't cause pain.”