Arnold Schwarzenegger quotes
- From the movie: Red Sonja
“- Red Sonja: No man may have me, unless he's beaten me in a fair fight.
- Kalidor: So, the only man that can have you, is one who's trying to kill you. That's logic. If you yield only to a conqueror, then prepared to be conquered... Little Sonja...
- Red Sonja: Don't be a fool, I don't want to kill you.” - From the movie: Twins
“- Julius Benedict: You have no respect for logic.
- Vincent Benedict: But he's got an axe!” - From the movie: Maggie
“- Maggie Vogel: You spent two weeks out there looking for me?
- Wade Vogel: Yeah, I made a promise to your mother to ever protect you.
- Maggie Vogel: Yeah, but what about you guys? What if I hurt you?
- Wade Vogel: Don't worry. Caroline and David know the precautions.
- Maggie Vogel: You shouldn't have brought me back.” - From the movie: Red Heat
“- Ivan Danko: I do not understand this sport.
- Art Ridzik: You're not supposed to, it's completely American.
- Ivan Danko: We play baseball now in Soviet Union.
- Art Ridzik: Are you kidding me? This is our national pastime!” - From the movie: The Last Stand
“My honor is not for sale.”
- From the movie: Last Action Hero
- From the movie: Batman & Robin
- From the movie: Conan the Barbarian
“- Conan: Yet the spring wind blows, Subotai. Have you ever felt such a wind?
- Subotai: They blow where I live too. In the north of every man's heart.
- Conan: It's never too late, Subotai.
- Subotai: No. It would only lead me back here another day. In even worse company.
- Conan: For us, there is no spring. Just the wind that smells fresh...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Conan the Destroyer
“- Princess Jehnna: Conan! There are six of them against her!
- Conan: One, two, three... I think you're right.” - From the movie: The Last Stand
“- Sarah Torrance: I was scared shitless. I mean, I could barely keep my hands from shaking.
- Ray Owens: That's quite normal. I mean, everyone feels like that during a firefight. I'll tell you a secret. I'm probably more afraid then you are right now.
- Sarah Torrance: Whoa... What? How can that be?
- Ray Owens: Because I've seen enough blood...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Terminator 2: Judgment Day
“- The Terminator: My mission is to protect you.
- John Connor: Yeah? Who sent you?
- The Terminator: You did. Thirty-five years from now, you reprogrammed me to be your protector here, in this time.
- John Connor: This is deep...” “- Adam Gibson: You read my mind?
- Michael Drucker: Just the highlights.”- From the movie: The Expendables
“- Trench: Have you been sick? You've lost weight.
- Barney Ross: Whatever I've lost you've found, pal.” - From the movie: True Lies
- From the movie: Predator
- From the movie: Total Recall
“- Kuato: What do you want, Mr. Quaid?
- Douglas Quaid: The same as you; to remember.” - From the movie: The Last Stand
“- Ray Owens: Do you have stupid names for all your shit?
- Lewis Dinkum: Only the shit I love!” - From the movie: Maggie
- From the movie: Terminator 2: Judgment Day
“- John Connor: Jesus, you were gonna kill that guy.
- The Terminator: Of course; I'm a Terminator.” - From the movie: Conan the Barbarian
“- Subotai: We're thieves! Like yourself. Come to climb the tower.
- Valeria: You don't even have a rope! Two fools who laugh at death. Do you know what horrors lie beyond that wall?
- Conan: No.
- Valeria: Then you go first.” - From the movie: Predator
“- Dutch: What happened to you, Dillon? You used to be someone I could trust.
- Dillon: I woke up. Why don't you? You're an asset. An expendable asset. And I used you to get the job done, got it?” - From the movie: Conan the Destroyer
“- Malak: I think we made the merchant angry.
- Conan: Are you surprised?
- Malak: But we didn't steal everything he had!
- Conan: We didn't have time.” - From the movie: Terminator 2: Judgment Day
“- The Terminator: The T-1000 can't form complex machines. Guns and explosives have chemicals in them. Moving parts. It doesn't work that way, but it can form solid metal shapes.
- John Connor: Like what?
- The Terminator: Knives and stabbing weapons.” - From the movie: Twins
- From the movie: Predator
“- Dutch: What's the matter? The CIA got you pushing too many pencils? Had enough?
- Dillon: Make it easy on yourself, Dutch.”