Julia Roberts quotes
- From the movie: The Mexican
“You're a very sensitive for a cold-blooded killer.”
- From the movie: Closer
“- Dan: Do you have any children?
- Anna: No.
- Dan: Would you like some?
- Anna: Yes, but not today.” - From the movie: My Best Friend's Wedding
“If he were feeling what I'm feeling then he would know how it feels.”
- From the movie: Notting Hill
- From the movie: Steel Magnolias
- From the movie: My Best Friend's Wedding
“If I didn't have to hate her, I'd adore her.”
- From the movie: Mona Lisa Smile
“This is his self-portrait. There's no camouflage, no romance. Honesty.”
- From the movie: Runaway Bride
- From the movie: Stepmom
“You're mother earth incarnate.”
- From the movie: Charlie Wilson's War
“- Joanne Herring: May I ask what it is that I've done to make you dislike me, Mr. Avrakotos?
- Gust Avrakotos: I like you just fine, Mrs. Herring, it's just been my experience that when people with money and too much free time get involved in politics, pretty soon, I forget who it is I'm supposed to be shooting at.” - From the movie: Notting Hill
“- Anna Scott: What is it about men and nudity? Particularly breasts? How can you be so interested in them?
- William Thacker: Well...
- Anna Scott: But, but, seriously: they're just breasts. Every second person in the world has them.” - From the movie: Something to Talk About
- From the movie: Runaway Bride
“- Maggie Carpenter: Bless me Father for I have sinned. My last confession was... well. Anyway, I have sorta a technical question. I've been having bad thoughts, really bad thoughts.
- Priest Brian Norris: Of an impure nature?
- Maggie Carpenter: No, No, I want to destroy this man's life, career, everything. I want revenge. Now on a sins scale...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Pretty Woman
- From the movie: Hook
“- Tinkerbell: Well, whoever you are it's still you, 'cause only one person has that smell.
- Peter Banning: Smell?
- Tinkerbell: The smell of someone who has ridden the back of the wind, Peter. The smell of a hundred fun summers, with sleeping in trees and adventures with Indians and Pirates. Oh remember, Peter? The world was ours. We could do...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Satisfaction
“- Josh: I want you to know I think you're really different.
- Daryle: I can work really hard to be the same.” - From the movie: Pretty Woman
- From the movie: Dying Young
“- Hilary O'Neil: I told Estelle you have a terminal disease.
- Victor Geddes: What?
- Hilary O'Neil: Assholeitis.” - From the movie: Satisfaction
“Anybody who doesn't act elegant is a douchebag.”
- From the movie: Notting Hill
“- William Thacker: Any horses in that one? Or hounds for that matter; our readers are intrigued by both species.
- Anna Scott: It takes place on a submarine.” - From the movie: My Best Friend's Wedding
“- Julianne Potter: He adored me for nine goddamn years. Me!
- George Downes: I can see why.
- Julianne Potter: She has known him for what, like, five seconds? Okay? Plus, she's got billions of dollars, plus, she's apparently perfect. Okay? So, don't go feeling all-all sorry for Miss Pre-teen Illinois... I can't lose him George. I'm gonna bring...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Satisfaction
“- Daryle: Think of all the clothes I could have bought in Europe!
- Billy: Ahh forget it. None of us speak European anyway...” - From the movie: My Best Friend's Wedding
- From the movie: Mona Lisa Smile
“Stop talking, and look. You're not required to write a paper. You're not even required to like it. You are required to consider it.”