Musicians quotes
169 musicians quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines- From the movie: The Piano
- From the movie: Crazy Heart
- From the movie: Eddie and the Cruisers
“- Sal Amato: Hey, you lose the beat, people miss a step, we want them to dance.
- Eddie Wilson: Lose a beat, miss a step. What are you a moron, Sal?” - From the movie: Dirt Merchant
“- Dirt Merchant: Unbelievable!
- Holly So Tightly: What is?
- Dirt Merchant: You've humped half of my record collection.” - From the movie: Crash
You see, back in the '60s, we had smart black articulate black men. Like Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, Eldridge Cleaver, Fred Hampton. These brothers were speaking out, and people were listening. And then, the FBI said, "Oh, no! We can't have that! I know! Let's give the niggers some music by a bunch of mumbling idiots, and sooner or later they'll... (continue)(continue reading)
- From the movie: Jersey Boys
They ask you "what was the high point?" Hall of Fame, selling all those records, pulling Sherry out of the hat, it was all great. But four guys under a street lamp, when it was all still ahead of us, the first time we made that sound, our sound. When everything dropped away and all there was was the music. That was the best
- From the movie: Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park
“There are no right hand except ours, we must protect the power.”
- From the movie: That Thing You Do!
“- Lamarr: We've got movie stars in my hotel!
- Faye Dolan: They're musicians, actually.
- Lamarr: Even better!” - From the movie: Half Baked
“- Brian: Lady, seven bucks for a used Kenny Loggins record? I'll give you five.
- Record Store Customer: Ugh huh, he autographed it himself.
- Brian: All right, I'll give you four.” - From the movie: Lost Highway
“- Ed: You're a musician?
- Fred Madison: Yeah.
- Al: What's your axe?
- Fred Madison: Tenor. Tenor saxophone. Do you...
- Al: ...Tone deaf.” - From the movie: The Thing Called Love
“- James Wright: How many Beatles are there?
- Kyle Davidson: Three... and Ringo.” - From the movie: Just Friends
- From the movie: Spy
“- Nancy B. Artingstall: Simmer down, 50 Cent or I'll mount you again!
- Curtis '50 Cent' Jackson: This day is just getting better and better!
- Nancy B. Artingstall: He wants me!” - From the movie: Deadpool
“Now, I'm about to do to you what Limp Bizkit did to music in the late '90s.”
- From the movie: Can't Stop the Music
- From the movie: Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny
What do you want, "Non-Rocker"? This line is reserved for "Rockers Only", so I can't really talk to you right now!
- From the movie: xXx: State of the Union
“- Darius Stone: Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal.
- Agent Augustus Eugene Gibbons: I like that. Who said it? Jefferson? Patton?
- Darius Stone: Tupac.” - From the movie: Almost Famous
“The Doors? Jim Morrison? He's a drunken buffoon posing as a poet.”
- From the movie: Against All Odds
“Nueva York! New York City! The big apple! Yeah. Rotten to the core as tonight's group will aply demonstrate. They think of themselves as tropical gangsters, but we like to call them: kid Creole and the coconuts!”
- From the movie: Cobain: Montage of Heck
“Kurt's brain was just constantly going.”
- From the movie: Can't Stop the Music
- From the movie: Mr. Holland's Opus
“- Principal Helen Jacobs: Next week, I have a meeting with the school board. And there are people in this community who believe that rock and roll is a message sent from the devil himself. Now when that issue comes up, what can I tell them?
- Glenn Holland: Mrs. Jacobs, you tell them that I am teaching music, and that I will use anything from...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Ray
“- Ray Charles: You're the ones who taught me that making a record is business and find the best business deal that you can. Now seventy-five cents of every dollar and owning my own masters is a pretty damn good deal. Can you match it?
- Ahmet Ertegun: Ray we would love to match it, but we just can't. That's a better deal than Sinatra gets... I'm...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Jersey Boys
- From the movie: Do the Right Thing