Originality quotes
169 originality quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines- From the movie: The Great Wall
“- Tovar: Amigo, only you would carry a stupid magnet through the desert.
- William: I can use it to make a compass.” - From the movie: King Kong
“I'm going out and make the greatest picture in the world. Something that nobody's ever seen or heard of. They'll have to think up a lot of new adjectives when I come back.”
- From the movie: The Deer Hunter
“Mikie, you're so - weird. You're always such a gentleman.”
- La trovi in Acting Coaching
“Sometimes the funniest ideas just happen in the moment, when you're talking to people, or you notice something.”
- La trovi in Reputation and Popularity
“Frankly, if people aren't going to cast me because I'm queer, than I don't want to work with them.”
- From the movie: The Great Muppet Caper
“You are all weirdos.”
- From the movie: Jumanji
“- Sarah Whittle: You just saw three monkeys go by on a motorcycle, didn't you?
- Judy Shepherd: Yeah.
- Sarah Whittle: Good girl.” - From the movie: Napoleon Dynamite
“- Pedro: Do you think people will vote for me?
- Napoleon Dynamite: Heck yes! I'd vote for you.
- Pedro: Like what are my skills?
- Napoleon Dynamite: Well, you have a sweet bike. And you're really good at hooking up with chicks. Plus you're like the only guy at school who has a mustache.” - From the TV Series: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
“- Anya: For God's sakes Andrew, you've been in here for 30 minutes. What are you doing?
- Andrew Wells: Entertaining and educating.
- Anya: Why can't you just masturbate like the rest of us?” - From the movie: Brain Dead
“My brains are individuals - they're special - they're unique.”
- La trovi in Actors and Art
“Cerebration is the enemy of originality in art.”
“You can't make experimental work by copying past work. ”
- From the movie: Away From Her
“Only uniqueness is success.”
- From the movie: Where the Buffalo Roam
“You couldn't invent someone like Carl Lazlo. He was a... he was one of a kind. He was a mutant. A real heavyweight water buffalo type... who could chew his way through a concrete wall and spit out the other side covered with lime and chalk and look good in doing it.”
- From the movie: Poison Ivy II: Lily
“- Gredin: What are you wishing?
- Lily Leonetti: That I could just... open my eyes and be different. Listen to me.
- Gredin: I'm listening. And I like doing that. You're beautiful.
- Lily Leonetti: No, I'm not.
- Gredin: Yes, you are. You're sweet... you're beautiful... and different.” - From the movie: Pirates of Silicon Valley
“All the respectable, straight-arrow guys were busy doing what they always do, which is be respectable. Which meant the rest of us could run around acting like crazies, which is what we did best. I miss those days.”
- From the movie: The Big Lebowski
- From the movie: Liquid Sky
- From the movie: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
- La trovi in Celebrities on other topics
“Anything new is always considered the devil's tool.”
- La trovi in Actors and Art
“I think actors and artists in general live in a different kind of world.”
- La trovi in Acting Coaching
“You have to create your own path and I'm up to the challenge.”
- La trovi in Career in Cinema
“To me, the more bizarre the character, the more I'm attracted to it.”
- La trovi in Acting Coaching
“I don't think anybody can be told how to act. I think you can give advice. But you have to find your own way through it.”
- La trovi in Motivational Quotes
“I think being different, going against the grain of society is the greatest thing in the world.”