Responsibility quotes
309 responsibility quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines- From the movie: The Bounty
“The crew is deeply demoralized and I must accept, as every captain must, the inevitable and theoretical responsibility for that. The actual and immediate responsibility, however, I place on you, my fellow officers who met this crisis with lethargy, impudence and flagrant defiance, publicly uttered.”
- From the movie: Crimes of the Heart
“- Lucille Botrelle: The damage to the spinal column's not yet been determined. But his breathing's stabilized and his liver's been saved.
- Lenny Magrath: That's good news.
- Lucille Botrelle: None of this is good news Lennie Magrath! It's all a grueling nightmare and you mark my word those resposible will pay dearly!” - From the movie: Limbo
“When you are of age, you are free to fuck up your own life. But until that time I'm afraid it's my job!”
- From the movie: That Darn Cat
“Wherever the informant leads, it is our responsibility to follow him in a fluid moving perimeter.”
- From the movie: Scream 2
“- Artsy Teacher: You could say that what happened in that theatre was a direct result of the movie itself.
- Cici: That is so Moral Majority. You can't blame real life violence on entertainment.
- Film Class Guy #1: Yes you can. Don't you ever watch the news?
- Film Class Guy #2: Hello? The murderer was wearing a ghost mask just like in the...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Scream 3
- From the movie: The Lady Eve
“I'm terribly in love, and you seem to be too, so one of us has to think and try and keep things clear. And maybe I can do that better than you can. They say a moonlit deck is a woman's business office.”
- From the movie: Sneakers
“We got bupkis! We turn ourselves in now, they'll give us twenty years in the electric chair!”
- From the movie: Bingo!
“It wouldn't hurt you to sign a petition every once in a while!”
- From the movie: Down and Out in Beverly Hills
“- Dave Whiteman: Who's going to run my business? Who's going to pay my bills? Who's...
- Jerry Baskin: You got enough money to last ten lifetimes!
- Dave Whiteman: Maybe I ought to become a bum. No job, no responsibilities...
- Jerry Baskin: You wouldn't last five minutes.” - From the movie: Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
“How many have paid the price for your impatience? How many have died? How much damage have you done, and what is yet to come?”
- From the movie: Truman
“I don't know if any of you have had a bale of hay fall on you. Well, I feel like the sun, the stars and all the planets just fell on me. Don't expect too much of me.”
- From the movie: Bulworth
- From the movie: Air America
“Come on, You gotta do it, or you're just another version of Major Lemond, with a slightly hipper rap!”
- From the movie: Salvador
“You let them close down the universities, you let them wipe out the best minds in the countries, you let them kill whoever they want, you let them wipe out the Catholic Church, you let them do it all because they aren't Commies! And that, Colonel, is bullshit!”
- From the movie: Brass Target
“The CID is so irresponsible, they couldn't find horseshit in a stable.”
- From the movie: Swimming with Sharks
“You have no brain. No judgement calls are necessary. What you think means nothing. What you feel means nothing. You are here for me. You are here to protect my interests and to serve my needs. So, while it may look like a little thing to you, when I ask for a packet of Sweet-N-Low, that's what I want. And it's your responsibility to see that I...” (continue)(continue reading)
- From the movie: Animal House
- From the movie: Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
“Remember, a Jedi's strength flows from the Force. But beware. Anger, fear, aggression. The dark side are they. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Luke... Luke... do not... do not underestimate the powers of the Emperor or suffer your father's fate you will. Luke, when gone am I... the last of the Jedi will...” (continue)(continue reading)
- From the movie: Howard the Duck
- From the movie: Bloodmoon
- From the movie: The Ref
“I'd love to run around and take classes and play with my inner-self! I'd love the freedom to be some pissed-off criminal with no responsibilities! Except I don't have the time!”
- From the movie: 8mm
- From the movie: American History X
“- Danny Vinyard: I'm sorry, Derek. I'm sorry that happened to you.
- Derek Vinyard: I'm not. I'm lucky. I feel lucky because it's wrong, Danny. It's wrong and it was eating me up, it was going to kill me. And I kept asking myself all the time, how did I buy into this shit? It was because I was pissed off, and nothing I ever did ever took that...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Ulee's Gold
“- Ulee Jackson: Once you're better, I don't care what you do. But you're not moving until all that poison's out of your body. Even if only for a day.
- Helen Jackson: Oh, man. You always think you know, don't you?
- Ulee Jackson: Well, I know better than to run from responsibility.”