Responsibility quotes
309 responsibility quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines- From the movie: Blood and Sand
“I've dragged myself through the blood and sand of a thousand arenas. In the end there's only one thing I regret - I never learned to read or write. I was obliged to renounce education... but I make the whole world responsible for my ignorance.”
- From the movie: Hairspray
“Tracy, we all have responsibilities in life. You may think owning The Hardy Har Joke Shop is all drudgery. Unwrapping dribble glasses, checking doggy doo, but I love it.”
- From the movie: Serial
- From the movie: City Hall
I had the fire in the belly just like you and the odd thing is I still have it. Never left me! I had the dream... and I had the weight. Like one of those guys before me said "If a sparrow falls in Central Park, I feel responsible".
- From the movie: Psycho II
“- Dr. Raymond: Norman was not convicted of murder. He was found not guilty by reasons of insanity, and since he is no longer insane, he has the right to live a normal life like you and I.
- Lila Loomis: That's just legal hocus pocus, and when he murders again you will be directly responsible.” - From the movie: The Ref
“You know, you and my wife have a lot in common. You both think you have some right to life working out the way you want it to, and when it doesn't, you get to act the way you want. The only trouble with that is someone has to be responsible”
- From the movie: Cool as Ice
“You're too busy to do what needs to be done, huh?”
- From the movie: Hail the Conquering Hero
- From the movie: The Minus Man
“If I never came to this place, these people would be somewhere else right now. Out shopping or watching TV. But instead, they're here looking for Gene. Afraid something bad has happened. But who could say? My opinion is you could miss a body in a search like this. We keep our eyes to the ground, but we're told to look at the trees as well. I...” (continue)(continue reading)
- From the movie: Stagecoach
“Well, there are some things a man just can't run away from.”
- From the movie: Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey
“- Shadow: I shouldn't have made her come.
- Chance: It's not your fault, she wanted to come.
- Shadow: But it's my responsibility. I had a responsibility to Sassy, to love her and protect her; the same as I have to you and to Peter.” - From the movie: Arlington Road
“You can't ask government to be infallible, but you can ask it to be accountable.”
- From the movie: The Thin Red Line
“The tough part is, uh... Not knowing if you're doing any good. That's the hard part.”
- From the movie: On Deadly Ground
“I think we need a responsible body of people that can actually represent us rather than Big Business. This body of people must not allow the introduction of anything into our environment that is not absolutely biodegradable or able to be chemically neutralized upon production.”
- From the movie: Gremlins
“Perhaps some day, you will be ready. Until then, Mogwai waits.”
- From the movie: Spice World
“- Sporty Spice: Look, Clifford, we're old enough to take responsibility for our own lives, do you know what I mean?
- Clifford: You don't have a life, you have a schedule! You are part of a well-oiled, global machine! There are people everywhere working their butts off for you! People like Deborah, here.” - From the movie: James and the Giant Peach
“- Grasshopper: This is all my fault.
- Earthworm: Hey don't take all the credit, I helped too!” - From the movie: Apt Pupil
“We alone decide how our talents are bestowed upon the world. This is our destiny and we hold it in the palm of our hands.”
- From the movie: The Addiction
“Now I see, good lord, how we must look from out there. Our addiction is evil. The propensity for this evil lies in our weakness before it. Kierkegaard was right, there is an awful precipice before us. But he was wrong about the leap, there's a difference between jumping and being pushed. You reach a point where you are forced to face your own...” (continue)(continue reading)
- From the movie: Stalingrad
“- Capt. Hermann Musk: Otto, I'm not a Nazi.
- Otto: No, you're worse. Lousy officers. You went along with it all, even though you knew who was in charge.” - From the movie: Death Hunt
“- Sergeant Edgar Millen: Purer fact is that he's running to save his hide, and every man he killed, he killed to protect himself.
- Constable Alvin Adams: What about Hawkins or Sundog or any of them? What did any of them die for, Millen?
- Sergeant Edgar Millen: Johnson didn't do anything I wouldn't do if I was in his boots. If I thought the...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Apt Pupil
- From the movie: Lorenzo's Oil
“- Augusto Odone: They've got Lorenzo on a turvy-topsy diet. And that bloody immunosuppression is brutal and useless. Michaela, we should not have consigned him blindly into their hands. He should not suffer by our ignorance. We take responsibility. So... we read a little. And we go out and inform ourselves.
- Michaela Odone: But... to miss time...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Godzilla, King of the Monsters!
“- Dr. Serizawa: The Oxygen Destroyer cannot be used.
- Ogata: If we don't defend ourselves from Godzilla now, what will become of us?
- Dr. Serizawa: And what will become of us if a weapon, such as I now have, falls into the wrong hands?
- Ogata: Then you have a responsibility no man has ever faced. You have your fear which might become reality....” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: The Last Emperor
“- The Governor: You couldn't possibly have known about the Japanese biological warfare experiments in Harbin! Could you? So why did you sign these papers?
- Pu Yi - Adult: I was responsible for everything.
- The Governor: You are responsible for what you do! All your life you thought you were better than everyone else. Now you think you're the...” (continue)(continue reading)