Threat quotes
840 threat quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines- From the movie: Bone Tomahawk
“John... Make any flirtatious remarks in my wife's presence, there will be a reckoning.”
- From the movie: Madea's Family Reunion
“- Mable 'Madea' Simmons: Look girl I'm done told you already to stop poppin' that gum!
- Nikki: Look! If you touch me, I'm gonna call 911!
- Mable 'Madea' Simmons: My daughter tried that. I hit her so hard she dialed 919!” - From the movie: Spy
“I'm the person who's going to cut your dick off and glue it to your forehead so you look like a limp-dick unicorn. That's who the fuck I am.”
- From the movie: Ocean's Thirteen
- From the movie: Gang Related
“- Detective Rodriguez: I can make your life miserable, that's what I can do.
- Vic: Look at me. Am I married to a supermodel? Do I look strikingly handsome? Have I got a job at IBM and a swanky bachelor pad? No, no, and no! I loan big money to people like you who can't control their urge to blow it all gambling; Then I stay awake half the night...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: American Outlaws
- From the movie: Eight Men Out
- Hired Killer: You're gonna lose tomorrow.
- Claude "Lefty" Williams: Oh, is that so?
- Hired Killer: I know it for a fact. That your wife?
- Claude "Lefty" Williams: Yeah, what's it to you?
- Hired Killer: You don't lose tomorrow, she dies. - From the movie: Back to the Future Part II
“I suppose it's poetic justice - two McFlys with the same gun.”
- From the movie: The Awful Truth
- From the movie: The Lego Movie
- From the movie: Argo
- From the movie: Pixels
- From the movie: Breakin'
“We're gonna eat you and spit out the pieces we don't like.”
- From the movie: D-Tox
“Run Jenny, run... I'm coming to cut your fucking heart out.”
- From the movie: There Will Be Blood
“- Plainview: One night, I'm gonna come to you, inside of your house, wherever you're sleeping, and I'm gonna cut your throat.
- H.M. Tilford: Why did you say it?
- Plainview: You don't tell me about my son.
- H.M. Tilford: I'm asking you to be reasonable. If I've offended you, I apologize.
- Plainview: You'll see what I can do.” - From the movie: Iron Man 3
“President Ellis, you continue to resist my attempts to educate you, sir. And now, you've missed me again. You don't know who I am. You don't know where I am. And you'll never see me coming.”
- From the movie: Kangaroo Jack
“- Charlie Carbone: It's a continent, Louis. He can go very far.
- Louis Booker: I know it's a continent. I read the book.
- Charlie Carbone: Did you happen to read the chapter on not putting your jacket on a wild animal?
- Louis Booker: No, but I did read the chapter on how an aborigine can kill a white man with a twig. Do you want to see that one?” - From the movie: Spy
“- Susan Cooper: [holds up her fists] You want me to have Cagney and fucking Lacey explain it to you? Cagney's coming down your fucking throat. Lacey, she's gonna come up your ass. I'm gonna meet them in the fucking middle and play your heart like a fucking accordion. I'm gonna pump that shit until it pops, you Swedish bitch!
- Anton: You...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: The Usual Suspects
“You run and we're gonna be digging a hole for you, you got that?”
- From the movie: The Dream Team
- From the movie: Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation
“When I come back, you owe me a favor. And I will be back.”
- From the movie: Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation
- From the movie: The King of the Kickboxers
“- Khan: I know you. You are the brother... How perfect. I will send you to hell... to join your brother!
- Jake Donahue: I've been there... for 10 years!” - From the movie: Dragonheart
“- Bowen: I will not stop until I've rid the world of every last one of you.
- Draco: I am the last one!” - From the movie: The Human Centipede III (Final Sequence)
“When I'm walking free, I'm gonna stab you in your eyes.”