Confusion quotes
135 confusion quotes, film quotes, movie lines, taglines- From the movie: Night on Earth
“- Mika: Aki, wake up!
- Man #3: Who the fuck are you? And where the fuck am I?
- Mika: You're in a fucking taxi, fucking close to your home, and you owe me for the fucking ride!” - From the movie: Detachment
“Just listen to me: we’re all the same. We all feel pain. We all have chaos in our lives. Life is very very confusing.”
“That's what you always do. You confuse love for admiration.”
- From the movie: Steel Magnolias
“Sammy's so confused he doesn't know whether to scratch his watch or wind his butt.”
- From the movie: High School Musical 2
“You are a good guy, Troy. And actually, right now I think I like you better then I like myself. [confused] Did I just say that?”
- From the movie: Ordinary People
“You need everything neat and easy. I don't know. Maybe you can't love anybody. It was so much Buck. When Buck died, it was as if you buried all your love with him, and I don't understand that, I just don't know, I don't... maybe it wasn't even Buck; maybe it was just you. Maybe, finally, it was the best of you that you buried. But, whatever it...” (continue)(continue reading)
- From the movie: Suicide Kings
“If you're not confused, you don't know what's going on.”
- From the movie: Open Range
“I know that people get confused in this life about what they want, and what they've done, and what they think they should've because of it. Everything they think they are or did, takes hold so hard that it won't let them see what they can be.”
- From the TV Series: Sons of Anarchy
“Sometimes my life feels like a deadly balancing act, when I feel slamming up against what I should do, impulsive reactions racing to solutions miles ahead of my brain. When I look at my day, I realize that most of it was spend cleaning up the damage of the day before. In that life I don't have a future, all I have is distraction and remorse.”
- From the movie: 8½
“All the confusion of my life... has been a reflection of myself! Myself as I am, not as I'd like to be.”
- From the movie: Idiocracy
“- Joe Bowers: I just need you to tell me how to get to the time machine.
- Frito: Oh, that's easy. You go down by the museum and stuff… it's like it's like, by the museum... sort of but… actually, not really. More like on the street, you go… Wait, let me start over. Okay, you know where the time machine is?” - La trovi in Reputation and Popularity
- From the movie: To Die for
- From the movie: Honeymoon in Vegas
“- Jack Singer: Let's just say that I get a little flustered when I'm hurling through space and... what happens if I pull the red one first?
- Roy Bacon: Oh, well then neither chute will open. You'll end up on the ground looking like a well-done chili burger. They'll have to shovel you into a coffin!” - From the movie: Memento
“You mix your laundry list with your grocery list, you'll end up eating your underwear for breakfast.”
- From the movie: The Mighty Ducks
“- Gordon Bombay: Shut up! You guys stink! I thought we came here to play hockey.
- Peter Mark: [sarcastically] You know, I knew we forgot something.” - From the movie: Brazil
- From the movie: The Man with Bogart's Face
- Gena: You know, you never did tell me why you hit me at Petey Cane's club.
- Sam Marlow: Oh, that? Simple. John Wayne slugged his pal Ward Bond in a pictured called "Hondo" for the same reason. If you want to confuse the enemy, hit a friend.
- Gena: Interesting. - From the movie: Shaun of the Dead
- From the movie: Ordinary People
- Conrad "Con" Jarrett: I made a 74 on a trig quiz.
- Beth Jarrett: Oh really? Gosh I was awful at trig.
- Conrad "Con" Jarrett: Oh. Really? You took trig?
- Beth Jarrett: No... wait a minute... ha, did I take trig? Huh... anyway, I bought you two shirts, they're on your bed. - From the movie: Sin City
“I get confused sometimes. What if I've finally turned into what they've always said I would turn into?”
- From the movie: American Ultra
“- Phoebe: Okay, so just lead me through this one more time. Just so I'm clear.
- Mike Howell: Um, I hit him with a spoon and his lungs exploded.
- Phoebe: It wasn't his lungs.
- Mike Howell: No, that's what happened. Because he couldn't breathe because I got him in the neck.
- Phoebe: Yeah, your lungs aren't in your neck, they're in your...” (continue)(continue reading)